Blog posts by Katrina

Things I wish I knew about Student Loans


Ah Student Loans, the bane of my exsistence, and unlike Anthony Bridgerton, it is not the object of all my desires. My family had little experience with the financial aid and student loan process. So when it came time to apply for aid we had NO IDEA what we were getting ourselves into. If I am being honest, my story is not unique. I am one of 43 million borrowers who needed to take out Student Loans in order to get an education.  Here are some things I wish I knew before taking out Student Loans: Refunds are NOT free money Refund checks happen when you have more Aid (Grants,…

Intentional and Mindful Planning


Four years ago when I was a baby Librarian, I started Bullet Journaling. I started for two reasons: to keep track of all the details that came with my new grown up job and student loan debt. One day a month I would set aside time to set up my bullet journal for the new month, creating trackers and calendars to help me organize my goals and commitments for the month. Google says journaling helps with anxiety, envoking mindfulness and helps ground the writer in the present: something that my Type A self needed. As someone who is a "PLANNER" I often find myself worrying about all the…