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The Liberator

Abolitionist newspaper

The Liberator was an abolitionist newspaper published in Boston, and edited by William Lloyd Garrison. The movement against slavery grew in the antebellum period (the years leading up to the Civil War), although abolitionists remained a small minority of the population. Abolitionists sought to end slavery in the South, while general anti-slavery sentiments often only sought to prevent the spread of slavery to new territories in the West such as Kansas. Read more about abolition in these articles from the Brooklyn Daily Eagle:

"The Abolitionists and the Administration" (October 8, 1861)

"Mr. Garrison's Lecture - The Abolition Balance Sheet" (February 28, 1866)

"The Radical Policy" (November 25, 1863)

Citation - Document 18
January 18, 1861
Courtesy of Tom and Angela Sarro

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