Learn how to share books with babies, toddlers and preschoolers. Find out about BPL programs and services for your little learners.
Birth—18 months
Enjoy great books for babies, learn fun songs and rhymes, and meet other families.
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18 months—3 years
Hear great picture books read aloud, discover delightful fingerplays, and play during this time dedicated to active toddlers.
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3—5 years
Experience new and classic picture books, enjoy favorite songs and more.
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Birth—5 years
Hear wonderful stories, discover amazing toys, and meet new friends in this fun, informal program.
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Inclusive Programming
BPL offers unique programs for children with and without disabilities. Learn more about these events and resources.
5 Simple Practices that Promote Early Literacy
- Talk to your children even if they aren’t talking yet.
- Talk with your child as you go through daily routines. Explain things and ask questions.
- Talk with your children in the language you know best.
- Singing slows down language so children can hear sounds and syllables. This will help them sound out words when they begin to read.
- Don’t worry if you are not a good singer. Your children will love singing with you!
- Sing with your child in the language you know best.
- Read with your child every day!
- Read with your child in the language you know best.
- As you read together, point to letters and words on the page.
- Have crayons, markers, and paper in your home.
- Scribbling leads to writing. Give your child plenty of time to scribble and draw
- Let your child see you write in the language you know best.
- Play = Learning!
- Children learn and use language by playing with one another
- Give your child time for free play during the day.
Get homework help for students in grades 1-8.
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Unique opportunities for children and teens with and without disabilities.
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Our librarians will find the perfect book for any child.
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Join us at BPL branches after school hours for learning, fun and homework help.
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Build, color and create! At Kids Create, make a special craft or a Lego creation. Start creating.