Blog Posts tagged as: Christmas

'Tis the Season to Be Reading: A Holiday Booklist


Are you ready for the holiday season? Here are some books set during Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and New Years.  1. Christmas Clash by Suzanne Park: Enemies Chloe Kwon and Peter Li, whose families operate rival restaurants in the food court, must work together to save the mall from a developer and discover that the feud between their families goes far deeper than either of them realized.  2. Eight Dates and Nights by Betsy Aldredge: Teens Hannah and Noah, who each have different ideas of how to spend Hanukkah, team up to save the last Jewish remnant in small-town…

See the Movie, Read the Book: Christmas Edition

Off the Shelf Editorial Staff

Christmas was last week, but that doesn't mean it's over. Just ask any die-hard Hallmark Channel viewer—they've been enjoying holiday flicks since before Daylight Saving Time, and will probably watch more for weeks to come. There's a definite lure to the comfort these movies depict: fireplaces galore, cups of tea and cocoa, fair isle sweaters, hats and scarves (barely worn but ever-present), and true love realized through the magic of Christmas. And guess what? All of that holly-jolly splendor is even better when it takes place in a good book.  Grab a candy cane and check out…

Celebrate Christmas in Summer!


The east coast is experiencing its last blast of heat this month before slipping into the cooler climate of the fall. For many people, post-Independence Day begins the countdown to Halloween while many others skip straight to Christmas. If you're looking forward to pine trees and twinkling lights decorating your home once again, then take some time to read a few of the Christmas books on this list that will appeal to any reader—from sweet romances and classic stories to fantastical twists on holiday favorites.  Many people believe that Christmas did not exist in the way we…

What to Read Based on Your Favorite Holiday Movie


During the holiday season, I always ration my holiday movie-watching until the week before Christmas because I know I'll spend a large chunk of my time with my family watching all our favorites. Whether that's newer favorites like Home Alone and Polar Express to classics like It's a Wonderful Life and A Christmas Carol, we watch them all! Below I've gathered a few books I know are beloved during the season and paired them with a novel that may fit your mood, if you too, want to make those holiday movie feelings linger past the two hours it takes to watch them.  It's a Wonderful Life…