Blog Posts tagged as: disability

July is Disability Pride Month!


Happy Disability Pride Month! It's held every year in July to recognize the passing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) on July 26th, 1990.  The featured image is the disability pride flag and each color symbolizes a type of disability:  The 2021 disability flag colors each represent a type of disability: Green: sensory disabilities Blue: emotional and psychiatric disabilities White: non-visible and undiagnosed disabilities Gold: neurodiversity Red: physical disabilities Below are five books that have disabled characters, or are written by people…

YA Books with Disability Representation


Did you know that March is Disability Awareness Month? Like many other people, I live with multiple invisibile disabilities. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), up to 1 in 4 or 26% of adults in the United States have some type of disability. Below are ten books (fiction and non-fiction) that center disability representation.  FICTION: 1. Breathe and Count Back from Ten by Natalia Sylvester: Verónica, a Peruvian-American teen with hip dysplasia, auditions to become a mermaid at a Central Florida theme park in the summer before her senior year, all…

July is Disability Pride Month


Did you know 13.2% of Americans had some kind of physical or mental disability in 2019? Since the passing of the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) in 1990, Disability Pride Month is celebrated every July. The Americans with Disabilities Act helps protect the rights of people with disabilities in five important areas: employment state and local government facilities and services public accommodations telecommunications transportation. Unfortunately, many people with disabilities still face discrimination and stigma. In light of this reality, it is even more…