Blog Posts tagged as: hanukkah

'Tis the Season to Be Reading: A Holiday Booklist


Are you ready for the holiday season? Here are some books set during Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and New Years.  1. Christmas Clash by Suzanne Park: Enemies Chloe Kwon and Peter Li, whose families operate rival restaurants in the food court, must work together to save the mall from a developer and discover that the feud between their families goes far deeper than either of them realized.  2. Eight Dates and Nights by Betsy Aldredge: Teens Hannah and Noah, who each have different ideas of how to spend Hanukkah, team up to save the last Jewish remnant in small-town…

Jewish Books to Read During Hanukkah


This year, Hanukkah is from December 18th-26th. If you enjoy reading stories with Jewish characters and/or themes, be sure to check these out: Color Me In by Natasha Diaz: Who is Nevaeh Levitz? Growing up in an affluent suburb of New York City, sixteen-year-old Nevaeh Levitz never thought much about her biracial roots. When her Black mom and Jewish dad split up, she relocates to her mom's family home in Harlem and is forced to confront her identity for the first time. Nevaeh wants to get to know her extended family, but one of her cousins can't stand that Nevaeh, who inadvertently…

BKLYN Kids Presents: Hanukkah Books to Feast Upon


Hanukkah Books to Feast Upon  The year 2013 was a special year as the first night of Hanukkah coincided with Thanksgiving. Although the two holidays do not fall on exactly the same night this year, Hanukkah celebrants this year are looking forward to turkey and pie, followed by latkes and donuts in the same long weekend. Here are some Hanukkah books that are worth checking out after feasting on all your holiday favorite foods: Meet the Latkes written by Alan Silberberg Meet the Latke Family. They are just like your family, but they are potato pancakes...and they get a…