Plot-Driven Audiobook Thrillers for Long Autumn Road Trips

By Sally Z., a BPL Librarians of Tomorrow (Lot) Intern

The Guardians by John GrishamStories of true crime have always interested me. Whether it be a part of the daily news sequence or front page on the newspaper, the capitating thrill sequence of mystery and murder seem to capture a variety of audience. When looking at a “BREAKING NEWS” headline, emotions are being rushed in: concern, anger, fear, interest, etc. The unwelcoming setting of a crime scene with black and yellow barricade tape labeled in all bold and capitalized letters “CAUTION”. And endless searches for crucial evidence and conversations with first hand eye-witnesses to rewind back to what they remember from that gorey night. 

The reason many readers gravitate towards plot driven thriller books is because it sparks a sensation for them. The plot to every crime investigation travels at an unsettling speed, enabling readers to sit at the edge of their seat. For instance, in John Grisham’s The Guardians, it places readers in a position of observation, waiting to see how the story plays out. This story of Quincy Miller who is wrongfully committed of murder, leads to uncovering the truth behind the who actually killed Keith Russo. 

Now, more than ever, the demand for reading materials has been higher than ever before due to the pandemic. For months, people were stuck in a “virtual reality” and unable to visit their local Brooklyn Public Library branches to discover new reads. As our new norm eases with masks and vaccines, people are resuming travel this fall. Every year—leading up to the past year and a half—my family and I have made it a tradition to take an 8 hour road trip to Canada to extended family members there So, curating this booklist of plot driven thrillers that remind me of my obsession with true crime, yet also making sure the books were in audiobook formatting, so readers are able to enjoy during their road trip adventures, was fully intentional. 

The Guardians by John Grisham is a great addition to this book list because it explores the journey of a wrongfully committed criminal who seeks help to clear his name, while the murderers of Keith Russo are still running loose. Based on a true story with James McCloskey, and lawyers who spend their career clearing the names of the innocent. 

Swipe Right for Murder by Derek MilmanSwipe Right For Murder by Derek Milman is a very good book option for those interested in thrillers surrounding the life of a teenage boy. The small desire of wanting to hookup with someone new in the extravagant city of New York, leads Aiden to be met with a dead body in his hotel room and on the run from all his arising problems. 

Judge & Jury by James Patterson is the perfect book recommendation for someone who enjoys a mysterious thriller that pits two people against “The Electrician”. Nick Pellisante and Andie Echeverra work together to seek justice from what the legal system failed to solve. 

Boy Nobody by Allen Zadoff tones in on the stereotypical new kid at school, but is undercover with a new identity. What nobody knows about Boy Nobody is his controlled involvement with a shadowy government organization, The Program, which constantly reminds him of the normal life he craves. 

Acceleration by Graham McNamee is a great read surrounding Duncan, a 17 year old boy who works at the lost and found system in Toronto, finds a diary filled with endless dark secrets of a serial killer. 

Plug in your headphones and enjoy the countless plot-driven thrillers that will have you sitting at the edge of seats during your endless summer drives.


Sally Z. is a BPL Librarians of Tomorrow (LoT) Intern, spending her time creating virtual book lists, read alouds and crafts for the library. She has also previously spent her summers volunteering at the BPL’s Kings Highway Library where she assisted in managing teen programs. 


This blog post reflects the opinions of the author and does not necessarily represent the views of Brooklyn Public Library.


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