Recent Photographic Finds

Thomas, Web Applications

As told to me by our Library Assistant Extraordinaire, Sarah Steele:

This week I began an inventory of four or five strangely organized boxes of Long Island photographs and images. Despite the outdated accession numbers and unknown provenance, a lot of really excellent things have been turning up. My favorite so far is the collection of approximately 40 original photographs from the late 19th century of maritime life on Long Island. Here is the first item from what I hope will become our Long Island Whaling Collection:

Amagansett, L.I. Whale taken off Amagansett, Feb. 23, 1907 [now in American Museum of Natural History, N.Y.] Walter Benedict at left. Fred Benedict, photog.

Amagansett, L.I. Whale taken off Amagansett, Feb. 23, 1907 [now in

American Museum of Natural History, N.Y.] Walter Benedict at left.

Fred Benedict, photog.


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