Our Bi-Weekly Mystery Picture


The word "unidentified" occurs all too often in our photograph database. I have decided it is time to tidy up a few of these "unidentifieds," and you, dear readers--I know you are out there--are going to help.

Here are two pictures of a market in an unidentified Brooklyn location.

The first to give a convincing account of the location may have a print of either of these if he or she so wishes, otherwise they may simply consider themselves covered in glory.  Now here are a couple of clues:  signs visible in the top picture read Printing 135, Bottaro pastry, La Meridionale Foreign Exchanges and Pastore Funeral -- . In the lower picture we have Latticini freschi and Barbera Bakery 142.  From this we deduce that this is an Italian neighborhood and this is the same market seen from opposite sides of the street. The date is 1952.

Now don't all come running in at once to check out our Telephone Directories on microfilm, available in the Popular Library.



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