What is it about Brooklyn?

Thomas, Web Applications

Like No Other Place In the World

Okay, I'll admit it right now. I am not a native Brooklynite. I originally come from Seattle, on the Left Coast, as many say here.  And do I live here in Bklyn now? No. Not yet, I always say sheepishly when someone asks me at the front desk. I live in a brownstone, but in another historic neighborhood - Harlem. Which is also a very cool place.

So, why, then, do I work at the Brooklyn Historical Society? What am I doing here? Well, because there is just something about this place, meaning both BHS and Brooklyn. BHS has an aura about it - the building and collections entice. And though I am not "from Brooklyn," I have come to love Brooklyn - not only as it is now, but also from what I've learned about the history of this fine borough and city.

But as an "outsider" what both impresses and perplexes me is just how much Brooklynites love Brooklyn. The sense of pride in Brooklyn is unlike any other I've experienced. Borough President Marty Markowitz's street sign confirms it - like no other place in the world.

I get that there's lots about this place to love, but I feel like I miss out on something by not being a native Brooklynite.

So tell me, what is it about Brooklyn? What is the power and magic of this place that has such a hold on people? I really want to know. Will you let me in on the mystique? Help me out here!


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