Admirals Row

Thomas, Web Applications

BHS is collaborating with the Brooklyn Navy Yard to interview people who worked in the Yard during WWII for our oral history collection.  It's a fascinating project and I felt really lucky the first time I got to snoop around inside the gates of the Navy Yard (after spending years riding my bike past it and wondering what goes on in there).  It seems like a lot of other people share this curiosity since BHS's new tours of the Navy Yard always fill up fast (the next one is June 21 at 1:30pm)!

One part of the Brooklyn Navy Yard is still owned by the federal government and there is a lot of debate about what to do with it if the Navy Yard succeeds in acquiring it:  Have you ever passed those ivy-covered abandoned buildings along Flushing Avenue?  That's Admirals Row, a spot that has captured many peoples' curiosity.  I hear Michel Gondry thought about filming part of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind there, or maybe he in fact did film there?  It's a fitting spot since it looks both forgotten and full of memories.  The debate about whether it's possible to restore and preserve the buildings continues - check out this video by the Municipal Art Society - what do you think?

Preserving Admirals Row from MAS on Vimeo.


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