The Battle of Long Island in Maps

Thomas, Web Applications

I was in Greenwood Cemetery a couple months ago and spent some time lounging in my favorite spot: Battle Hill. Doesn’t it have the greatest view? I could sit there for hours.

The history of Battle Hill is just as interesting as the view. It was here that Maryland troops kept the British forces distracted while Washington evacuated the rest of his army to Manhattan. We have a few maps in our collection that cover this battle, and I thought I’d take the opportunity to post a couple now.

Plan of the Positions and Movements of the British and American Army on the 26th & 27th of August 1776. T.W. Field. 1869. Brooklyn Historical Society Map Collection.

This map tracks the movements of British and American troops, and marks the location of the infamous Maryland regiment (see view below).

Plan of the Positions and Movements of the British and American Army on the 26th & 27th of August 1776.  T.W. Field. 1869. Brooklyn Historical Society Map Collection.

Another map tracks the positions and movements of General Grant, the leader of British forces in the battle. Grant gets mixed reviews from historians for his actions in this battle. His troops claimed victory, but were not able to deal a death blow to Washington and his forces.

Sketch of General Grant's Position on Long Island. (1793?). Brooklyn Historical Society Map Collection.


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