Brooklyn Visual Heritage


Brooklyn Visual Heritage is here! A collaborative digitization project that aims to make historic images of Brooklyn more accessible, Brooklyn Visual Heritage was created as part of Project CHART, which you can read more about here

Brooklyn Visual Heritage includes digital images from the archival collections of Brooklyn Public Library, Brooklyn Historical Society and the Brooklyn Museum.  While it does not include all of the digital images available at each insitution, it does bring together over 10,000 images of Brooklyn culture, landscape and history.  With free text searching you can find images from multiple institutions at one time or if you want to move at a more leisurely pace you can just scroll through our gallery looking for images that catch your attention.  We also offer advanced searching of our metadata for users looking for more detail.  We invite you to come in and search any way you want.

Maybe you are interested in Coney Island
















Or Gardens




























Or Crime



















Maybe a specific photographer interests you, like Anders Goldfarb.














 E. E. Rutter








 or Jamel Shabazz








At Brooklyn Visual Heritage, though, our favorite thing to search for is cats.  



























Whatever it is about Brooklyn you love, there is a good chance Brooklyn Visual Heritage has something to show you.  Please search around and let us know what you find.


This blog post reflects the opinions of the author and does not necessarily represent the views of Brooklyn Public Library.


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