Graduations Galore


The graduation ceremonies, at every step from kindergarten to elementary school, to middle school, to high school, to college and on--have come and gone.  Enshrined here in our collection are many celebratory moments from graduations past--so here are a few of them. 

Probably never before have the public schools of Brooklyn made so fine a showing in their graduating classes as the records for the term just closed present~ Brooklyn Daily  Eagle, July 6, 1899  


Kindergarten graduate of Public School 133 in 1953

Profesor Hooper from the Washington Avenue School admonished the students " If you only have an opportunity to earn ten cents a week, grasp it,  as Stephenson did; he was the inventor of the locomotive" ~ Washington Avenue School, 1896. (In today's money, students would be grasping at approximately $2.72 per week.)


Eighth grade students at Public School 222 in 1954 

Your education is not finished, grows like the tree, imperceptible.  And as each one learns and acts so will she become more or less a good to others. ~ P.S. 18 June 1874 

Packer Collegiate Institute in 1943.

Speaking at a graduation at P.S. 35 in 1892, Edward Rowe from the Board of Education stated that he didn't believe that the people seated could pass the examinations that the children had been through.  He also admonished the parents to visit the school during term time, and to talk over the situation of their children with the teachers, instead of writing them insulting notes when they didn't like what was done. 

St. Mary's Hospital School of Nursing in 1950. 

Brooklyn College in the 1950's

And yet, when we come to look carefully at the real successes in life,  we can trace their origin back to dreamy hours of silent and self-forgetful toil, to days and nights and years spent in discouraging and fruitless experiment before the final result was achieved, which challenged the admiration of the world. 

  Long Island College Hospital graduation, 1879   

Two sets of twins graduating from St. Joseph's College for women in 1952. 

"Hunger can be subdued only by supplying food, and ignorance got rid of only by the entering in of knowledge" Polytechnic Institute, June 1902. 

Two students who completed their studies at Long Island College Hospital in 1949. 

No matter what you do, do it well.  Be enthusiastic.  Find your place.  I believe everyone is called to do some particular work; to stand in his or her lot and do this work as God Almighty intended him or her to do.  Then, I would say, master your work.  I would suggest that it would be well to see your opportunities, and don't be like the lobster cast on the shore, waiting always for the tide to come and sweep you back. And then, in conclusion, my dear friends, live for others.  Remember you are going out in the world among those who will need something you will have to give.  Your education is not for yourself alone. ~ Manual Training High School 1902




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