Library Lab: Exploding Chalk Baggies



Looking for a quick STEM activity to beat the heat?  Then this post is for you!

  • 1 cup       Vinegar
  • 1/2 cup   Cornstarch
  • 2 tbsp     Baking Soda
  • 1              Zipper Sandwich Baggies
  • 1              Paper Napkin
  •                Food Color/ Liquid Color



Place baking soda in center of napkin, fold napkin until you have a nice little envelope.  Set aside.

Napkin Baaking Soda Packet

In baggie combine vinegar, cornstarch and liquid color of choice.  Mix and zip up!

(Note:  The cornstarch is for a "chalk" effect, omit if you want to see a faster reaction between vinegar and baking soda.)

Now that you have prepared your baking soda packet and baggie, it's time to choose your surface for the big event.  A friendly sidewalk, sink or even tub would work just great.

Ready? Ok!  Carefully drop-in baking soda packet into baggie, zip up, shake and drop!

Observe how the vinegar and baking soda react to one another making the baggie fill up with carbon dioxide until finally POP

Exploding chalk baggie


This is a great opportunity to discuss chemical reactions, colors, textures and even the scientific method!


Interested in learning more about STEM activities?  We got you covered!

Library Lab is Brooklyn Public Library's dynamic learning enrichment program for children (ages 6-10) and their families.  Explore Science, Technology, Engineering and Math concepts with fun, free activities that will spark curiosity through hands-on experiments.  Families will receive tips on how to use library resources and how to continue projects at home.

Search through our calendar for the next Library Lab session near you here


This blog post reflects the opinions of the author and does not necessarily represent the views of Brooklyn Public Library.


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