Reading Recommendations for Teens by Teens

Ripley B. | BookMatch Teen

BookMatch Teen Logo, person sitting in front of a stack of books reading

Are you a teen who loves to read? If so, it’s pretty likely that:

a. You’re not sure what to read next,
b. Finding books that interest you seems impossible, or maybe
c. You have some niche obsession that you’d just die to find a book about.

If any of the above applies to you, you’re in luck!

BookMatch Teen is a program that helps teen readers find books that they’ll actually want to read, even when they aren’t quite sure what they’re looking for. 

The Bookmatch Teen staff is made up of book-loving teenagers from all over Brooklyn. It’s an internship, based in BPL’s Central Library (to find out more, visit 

To get a list of personally curated book recommendations, just fill out a form on the Brooklyn Public Library website! It only takes a few minutes. The form asks questions about what genres you like/dislike, what books and other media (television shows, movies, etc.) that you’ve loved/hated in the past. It also asks what things you look for in a good read. There’s absolutely no judgment in your preferences, so no matter what you say, the team here at Bookmatch Teen will do our best to suggest 5 titles just for you.

Bookmatch Teen is a really wonderful community that I’ve had the honor of being part of for the past few months. It’s a diverse group of people that bring all their knowledge, experiences, and love of books together to make this thing work! And it’s no simple task. We’ve been learning to use some pretty in-depth resources and catalogs online to find books. We’ve heard from librarians, publishers, authors, and even the people who select books for the BPL. Let us put our skills to the test.

If you want to find something new to read, there’s no better place to go. 


This blog post reflects the opinions of the author and does not necessarily represent the views of Brooklyn Public Library.


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