Amelia’s Dream


My name is Amelia, and I ride horses. Now, typically women don't ride horses. They cook or clean. However, I burn everything I try to cook including water and I couldn't clean if my life depended on it. I always dreamed of riding horses and entering the yearly riding contest. I said to myself, why not teach myself how to ride, and enter. One night while everyone was asleep I snuck out into the barn and taught myself how to ride. As it turned out, I was great at it. 

One day I decided to ride during the day. Pa had gone hunting and was not supposed to be back till that night, and Ma was in town. Unfortunately, I lost track of time and I did not see my parents come home. They caught me riding. Surprisingly, they were not mad. Pa told me good luck. Ma, however, thought I was crazy! She did not object though. I practiced riding every day. After practicing for a couple of weeks, I became better than Pa. Pa said that I was ready for the contest. The next day, I went into town and signed up for the contest. Everyone in town said that I was crazy, but I told them that anything that a man could do, a woman could do too, and maybe even better. 

The day of the contest came. I was excited and anxious. When the host shot the gun I pushed my horse to go as fast as she could. I beat all of the men by a mile! All of the onlookers were surprised that I, a young woman, could beat all of these grown men. That day, I inspired a lot of women. Women started signing up for contests that mainly men signed up for. Remember this every time you start to doubt yourself. Remember me, a FEMALE riding champion.  

*This short story was written in celebration of Women's History Month.


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