Brooklyn Theater Fire: The Musical!


sheetmA pencil drawing of a burning theater and people fleeing the stage and "Mid Flame and Smoke: A descriptive song about the burning of the Brooklyn Theater with words and music by J.W. Turner
[Mid Flame and Smoke, undated]. THEA_0011. Brooklyn Daily Eagle photographs, Brooklyn Public Library, Center for Brooklyn History

On this day, December 5th, 1876, the Brooklyn Theater, on the corner of Washington and Johnson Streets caught fire. This was a terrible tragedy, and close to 300 people lost their lives. You can read more about that tragedy on our The Brooklyn Theater Fire of December 1876: a community's response post.

Instead, today's post is inspired by J.W. Turner, singer/songwriter, who took that tragedy and turned it Or profit? Or both? Todays Photo of the Week is a cover of sheet music entitled "Mid Flame and Smoke: a descriptive song of the burning of the Brooklyn Theater." J.W. Turner wrote it for piano and voice and it was published in 1876 by Oliver Ditson & Co. The illustrator (who created some fantastic lettering on this one) is listed as J.H. Bufford's Sons Lith. 141 Franklin St. Boston, MA. Bufford's sons took over their father's business and moved into that office in 1879. 

The lyrics, which are pretty dark, are as follows: 

It was a dreadful and fearful night

as through the flame and smoke they frantic fled

Struggling on, alas, they perish,

One by one they piteous cry,

Sad and dreary, oh what an anguish

Oh what emotion and despair,

As in death they sink and languish

Bright ones beautiful fall and die

The flames and smoke in fury roll

Hear’st thou the moan of that distracted soul?

Save! Oh save me! Trembling dying

Sad and mournful e’er they died

From the fire-y gulf he bears them

Safely in their pain and fright

He has rescued, he has saved them

From a dreadful fall and die

They whom kindred love and cherish

Hear their wild and piteous cry

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The Brooklyn Theatre fire, of national and even international significance, took place near the main post office. There's no marker, just a nearby statue of Henry Ward Beecher.
Wed, Dec 7 2022 3:39 pm Permalink

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