Blog posts by John Zarrillo

The Dreaded Banana Peel

John Zarrillo

Corporation Counsel's report regarding Robert Bell, 1894; Brooklyn, N.Y., Department of Law, Corporation Counsel records, 2013.015; Brooklyn Historical Society
This is the second in a series of posts on the records of Brooklyn’s Corporation Counsel, which are currently being processed with funding provided by a Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) “Hidden Collections” grant.  The records of Brooklyn’s Corporation Counsel, who was the head of the Law Department of the City of Brooklyn and the city’s chief…

Brooklyn Opens a Street (Through Your Backyard)

John Zarrillo

Etna St. opening document; Brooklyn, N.Y., Department of Law, Corporation Counsel records, 2013.015; Brooklyn Historical Society
A few years ago BHS was awarded a Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) “Hidden Collections” grant to make hundreds of our maps, manuscripts, and photograph collections available to researchers.  Earlier this year we were once again awarded this grant to make even more of our historical materials accessible to our patrons.  But before I get into the details of one of our exciting new…