Blog Posts tagged as: BPLbookbingo

Book Bingo Round-Up! My 23 Books of 2023

Laura, Center for Brooklyn History, Center for Brooklyn History

While the very first book I finished in 2023 was for BPL’s Book Bingo game, I crammed most of the squares into the last three months of the year, furiously flipping pages to complete my bingo card. And I can very happily say that, despite my procrastination, I completed the whole thing—bonus square included! Here’s my 2023 BPL Book Bingo list in the order in which I read them, and with the corresponding bingo category in bold: I began with a classic graphic novel in January, Maus I and II by Art Spiegelman, which I purchased from Books Are Magic on Smith Street. It was a somber read, but I’…

Audiobooks for Your August Adventures


It’s that time of year, when New Yorkers with a car are headed out of town for beaches, mountains, tents—anywhere that isn’t miles of uninterrupted concrete and squashed lanternflies—while those who don’t have wheels are making beelines for New York City’s great parks, equipped with cold beverages, blankets, and the desire not to use one’s eyes for anything other than cloud-gazing and staring into long, green blades of grass. If you’re like me, you like to have a story to disappear into as you do all this escaping and relaxing (and because you’re reading a library blog, you probably are like…

BPL Book Bingo: Reading Across the Ages


My son loves crossing off a spot on the BPL Book Bingo card that is proudly hung on our refrigerator. My advice is to get creative and dig into our vast collection of books at BPL. Before you know it, you and your child will have filled up the card and read 23 (or 24) books that you might not normally have picked up!
"Mommy, did you bring me another book from the libralee?"   This is what my five-year-old greets me with as soon as I come home from work. (“Librarlee” is what he currently says instead of "library," and since he's getting older and…

BPL Book Bingo! 23 Books for 2023

Virginia; Caroline Kravitz

Each time a new year rolls around, it seems the age-old resolution to “read more books” does too. This year, we challenge you to not only read more books but to read 23 books for 2023! And, we've developed a list to guide your reading and encourage you to step outside your comfort zone.   So, in 2023, we challenge you to read: A book for the new year (check out some of our New Year's booklists for inspiration!)  A book with a bookmark from a previous patron   A book in translation   An audiobook or eBook …