Blog Posts tagged as: COVID REMEMBRANCE DAY

COVID-19 Day of Remembrance with BookMatch Teen


Sunday, March 14 is COVID-19 Day of Remembrance, an official day of remembrance in New York City. In honor of this day, BookMatch Teen members have created a list of the books that got them through this past year. What books, or shows, games or songs, helped you? Want more good reads? Fill out this short form, and BookMatch Teen will send you a personalized booklist.     

COVID Remembrance Day


  NYC has designated March 14th as a Day of Remembrance for those we have lost to COVID-19.  This is a time when families can reflect on the past year, honor those we have lost, and connect with loved ones who are separated from us.  Here are some ways to acknowledge the day with your family: *Special thanks to Librarians Hasina Islam, Kathy Gerber, and Ann Lautner for their ideas!* Create a family tree to remember lost family members, and those who are far away or separated from us. Draw a trunk and add/color leaves with family members' names. Or…