Blog Posts tagged as: mindfulness

Intentional and Mindful Planning


Four years ago when I was a baby Librarian, I started Bullet Journaling. I started for two reasons: to keep track of all the details that came with my new grown up job and student loan debt. One day a month I would set aside time to set up my bullet journal for the new month, creating trackers and calendars to help me organize my goals and commitments for the month. Google says journaling helps with anxiety, envoking mindfulness and helps ground the writer in the present: something that my Type A self needed. As someone who is a "PLANNER" I often find myself worrying about all the…

Mental Health Awareness Month


May is Mental Health Awareness Month so we will be sharing resources: information, books and programs all about mental health for children.  Information: Mental health is important at all ages! The CDC notes that mental health in childhood means "reaching developmental and emotional milestones and learning healthy social skills and how to cope when there are problems." Some ways to help children cope with various things is to talk openly about feelings, practice transitions (songs can help with this!) and explore mindfulness practices like breathing exercises.  Books:…

Kids Create: Gratitude Holiday Coloring Pages

Powe-Maynard, Iman

This time of year is often when we reflect on what we are grateful for. It's a fun season for some kids, but it can also be a tough time for others. Studies have shown that coloring and practicing gratitude are both effective ways to increase happiness. Gratitude reduces toxic emotions, including fear and frustration. It can also cause people to live happier, more satisfied lives and enjoy increased levels of self-esteem, hope, empathy, and optimism. Other studies have shown that children who practice grateful thinking have more positive attitudes toward school and family. Kids can…