Intentional and Mindful Planning


Four years ago when I was a baby Librarian, I started Bullet Journaling. I started for two reasons: to keep track of all the details that came with my new grown up job and student loan debt. One day a month I would set aside time to set up my bullet journal for the new month, creating trackers and calendars to help me organize my goals and commitments for the month. Google says journaling helps with anxiety, envoking mindfulness and helps ground the writer in the present: something that my Type A self needed. As someone who is a "PLANNER" I often find myself worrying about all the small steps inbetween the big steps, bullet journaling helped me organize my thoughts in a way that was intentional but also productive. Not to say that bullet journaling automatically made me perfect, or that I consistently kept up with my journal every single day- life gets busy and sometimes the journal has to suffer but the intentionality of creating my spreads month after month allowed me to see the progress of my goals, gave me a place to unload random thoughts and tasks and, at least visually, gave me something pretty to look at. 

So, What is Bullet Journal?

The Bullet Journal Method  was created by Ryder Carroll. He describes it as a mindfulness practice disguised as a productivity system. Carroll goes deeper into what it is in this video but the goal it to create a way to take the things that are meaningful in your life and to make them actionable. While Carrolls books and videos have suggested ways to outline these in your journal the movement has really taken on a life of its own, becoming its own niche on Social Media (complete with influencers whose content is exclusively journaling) and thousands of ideas on pinterest on how to set up various trackers and calendars.

Why should I do it?

The  customization is really the reason to do it versus just buying a pre-made planner. Our scheudles don't look the same month to month, and what we consider important isn't the same month to month either. The beauty of the Bullet Journal method is that you have the ability to set up every month the way you want it set up. Traditional journaling, as mentioned before, has a lot of benefits- your monthly planner should too! Setting the time aside each month to create a very intentional and mindful planner allows us to go into the next month with clearly outlined goals, tasks, and anything else that we have deemed important. 

How do I get started?

All you really need is a blank journal or notebook and something to write with. If you want to be more creative with your journal you can include drawings, stickers, washi tape, & photos. You can use highlighters or markers- I have even used colored pencils. It is completely up to you!

If you are interested in joining a Monthly Virtual Journal Club where you can chat, hang out and journal with other journal ethuthiast sign up here so you can be notified when the program is made available! I look forward to journaling and planning with you!

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