Blog Posts tagged as: teen

Publishing Opportunity!


What is something you wish you knew before entering middle school? The Gutenberg Project aims to tackle this very question through publishing a book comprised of short stories all written by high schoolers (like you!).  So submit your short stories today to be considered for publication! For more information please check out our poster below.  Happy Writing! We can’t wait to see what you write!  Best of luck, The Gutenberg Fellowship at Avenues: The World School  

Winter Solstice: It's the Return of the Light!

Rakisha, Branch Manager/Kings Bay, Branch Manager/Kings Bay

When my now 18-year-old and 16-year-old kiddos were in elementary school, their teachers would have Winter Solstice parties just before the start of December break. When I was in elementary school from 1977-1984, we had Christmas parties and lit Hanukkah candles. We didn’t learn about “Winter Solstice,” whatever that was. I assumed that schools had chosen to recognize this scientific phenomena in order to be more inclusive of the different cultures that compromised the student bodies of New York City.  It wasn’t until I started reading up on earth celebrations earlier this year that I…

Park Slope Book Lovers Group Wants YOUR Vote!  


If you’re a teenager who enjoys reading then the Teens’ Top Ten might be something you’d like to look into. The Teens' Top Ten is a “teen choice" award, where teens choose their favorite books of the previous year. This year twenty-five amazing books have been nominated and now from August 15 to October 15 it’s up to all of us - teens across the country - to vote and narrow those twenty-five books to the best ten. Beginning August 15, teens can vote online here. You can find all titles at Brooklyn Public Library. Visit your local branch or our online catalog to place holds!  Are you…

Things I wish I knew about Student Loans


Ah Student Loans, the bane of my exsistence, and unlike Anthony Bridgerton, it is not the object of all my desires. My family had little experience with the financial aid and student loan process. So when it came time to apply for aid we had NO IDEA what we were getting ourselves into. If I am being honest, my story is not unique. I am one of 43 million borrowers who needed to take out Student Loans in order to get an education.  Here are some things I wish I knew before taking out Student Loans: Refunds are NOT free money Refund checks happen when you have more Aid (Grants,…

Check Out BKLYNthology + YA Booklist Created by BKLYNthology Writers


Teens ages 13-18 participated in any genre of their choice, and those who have submitted a story that satisfies all the requirements were featured in BKLYNthology. There have been few to no edits done to the following stories to ensure that they would be true to what the writers wanted to express. Check out BKLYNthology and the YA booklist BKLYNthology writers curated! Printed copies of this anthology will be available at the New Utrecht branch at the front desk on the second floor.    BKLYNthology:…

New Book Releases in June!


Happy Summer, y'all! Here are eight new releases to check out this month! 

Let's Celebrate Menstrual Hygiene Day!

Rakisha, Branch Manager/Kings Bay, Branch Manager/Kings Bay

Period. Cycle. Monthly.  Aunt Flow. Special visitor. Shark Week.   Everyone who sheds their uterine lining has a special name for that time of the month. For some menstruators, getting a period is no big deal. It’s just another few days out of the month, but it’s a big deal for others. Some folks get periods with debilitating pain. For some trans men, it’s a painful reminder that their body and gender don’t align. And, for some people, it means having to stay home from work or school because they cannot afford menstrual hygiene products like maxi pads, tampons, or menstrual…



Do you want to get a short story published? Up to twenty submissions will be selected and included in an anthology that will be published by an internship project through the New Utrecht branch. $50, $25, and $15 gift cards will be rewarded to the top three selections respectively. All interested participants should register for the virtual information session on May 23 from 4:30-5:30 PM. There will also be an optional (but highly encouraged) Office Hours session which you can sign up for on May 26 from 5:00-6:00 PM. I will be briefly reviewing and providing…

Intentional and Mindful Planning


Four years ago when I was a baby Librarian, I started Bullet Journaling. I started for two reasons: to keep track of all the details that came with my new grown up job and student loan debt. One day a month I would set aside time to set up my bullet journal for the new month, creating trackers and calendars to help me organize my goals and commitments for the month. Google says journaling helps with anxiety, envoking mindfulness and helps ground the writer in the present: something that my Type A self needed. As someone who is a "PLANNER" I often find myself worrying about all the…

We Answered Your Sex Ed and Puberty Questions

Rakisha, Branch Manager/Kings Bay, Branch Manager/Kings Bay

Question: How can I masturbate beside using my hand? I'm nervous because I feel I’m starting to like masturbating too much, and I like putting things in my anus. I'm scared my mom might find out, please help. You have given us quite a doozy of a first question. Thank you! I applaud your bravery in reaching out. First things first: You. Are. Normal. There is nothing wrong with masturbation.  It is a healthy activity that allows you to connect with your body and helps you learn what types of touches you enjoy. Liking it “too much” only becomes a problem if it interferes with your daily…



Silence  Silent night  Silent morning  Silent fun  Silent boring  Cost me a great deal  Worth the peace  Quiet to observe my happiness  That I alone have given to me  “WHy SIlence,I want to scream!!!!!!”  As I watch the souls express  As they understand themselves but not others  As I understand the standards of those who do not test their selves  It is my silent day  It is my silent moment  It is my silent pleasure  And my silent life that I have been enduring  Silence once again…



Pressure to make it Pressure to only succeed Winning to embrace heroic intentions But only to gain heroic attention Has the struggle not been noticed Has the tears not reflected on the surface of our face Falling down symbolizing our past failures Yet covered,yet seen through a clear glass vase Broken down to pieces Never to be seen Only in the heat of the moment  What is revealed to us is the struggles we have bled and fought through in secrecy



Can we start over  And pretend to see the light So it may come to vision And see the stars align A man once loved a woman Lived his life for a cure A cure of pure simplicity And this woman has made him sure Moving too fast Forgetting his patience Caught up in a trance of love Barely noticing what has been fading Memories keeping him alive Making him saint Turning him to an angel A position to not faint 



People tell you,  you are too dark like an ink, People tell you, you are extremely unattractive like villains, People tell you, you are really unsmart like SpongeBob, People tell you, you are too short like an elf, People tell you, you are too tall like a giraffe  People tell you, you are too skinny like a dry fish, People tell you, you are too fat like an elephant,   But….   You should tell them, NOBODY IS PERFECT, Everyone has something they are concerned about, Whether it’s their appearance or their characteristics, Nobody is perfect, This is…

Interested in finding what do you like to do?


Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.  Steve Jobs, Former Apple CEO I worked in my neighborhood library when I was 17 (late ‘80s) and I loved it! I learned how to research for my school reports, and I was able to show other kids how to do their own research. I felt like I was being helpful, and I did something valuable.  I loved it so much I wanted to become a librarian, so I looked it up in the OOH. The Occupational…