Blog posts by Rakisha

Winter Solstice: It's the Return of the Light!

Rakisha Branch Manager/Kings BayBranch Manager/Kings Bay

When my now 18-year-old and 16-year-old kiddos were in elementary school, their teachers would have Winter Solstice parties just before the start of December break. When I was in elementary school from 1977-1984, we had Christmas parties and lit Hanukkah candles. We didn’t learn about “Winter Solstice,” whatever that was. I assumed that schools had chosen to recognize this scientific phenomena in order to be more inclusive of the different cultures that compromised the student bodies of New York City.  It wasn’t until I started reading up on earth celebrations earlier this year that I…

Period Protection For Back to School

Rakisha Branch Manager/Kings BayBranch Manager/Kings Bay

Pencils? Check. Notebooks? Check. Bookbag? Check. Scientific calculator? Check. Uniform shirt? Check. Pads and tampons? Uh-oh! When preparing for the new school year, heading to the Staples and Rumi to stock up on cute stationery supplies seems like a no brainer but how about the menstrual hygiene aisle at the supermarket? Although all New York public middle and high schools are required to have free period products available in the restrooms, it’s easy to be caught unaware. Bathroom dispensers in schools, however, are only a drop in a bucket compared to the millions of menstruators who…

For the Love of K-pop & Their Fans

Rakisha Branch Manager/Kings BayBranch Manager/Kings Bay

It was a rare Saturday off from work in the early part of 2019. My kids were 14 and 12 years old, and in middle school at the time. The oldest was watching television and my youngest was reading scanlations of their favorite manga on the computer. I was scrolling through Twitter while making breakfast, and I saw that something called “BTS” was trending. I called out to my children, “Hey! What is a BTS and why is it trending so much on Twitter?”  Both laughed at me. “Mommy,” My youngest began in their trademark dry tone. “BTS is not a ‘what,’ they’re a ‘who’ and they’re always…

Let's All Celebrate Menstruation

Rakisha Branch Manager/Kings BayBranch Manager/Kings Bay

I am the Puberty Librarian. I am the Period Lady. I’m the patron saint of library menstruators. If I had $1 for every time a coworker said “I think of you every time I get a tampon from the staff bathroom,” I’d be able to pay both my kiddos’ college tuition. I have a brand and a reputation, and I accept it proudly. Sometimes, it gets burdensome because I’m a librarian that contains multitudes, doggoneit! I make jewelry. I’m learning to read Korean. I’m studying philosophy. Then, I remember that period poverty and menstrual equity is still a worldwide issue. If the thought of me inspires folks…

Saving the World One Tampon at a Time

Rakisha Branch Manager/Kings BayBranch Manager/Kings Bay

My 16 and 18-year-old kids like to tease me about my childhood and teen years, because it is so vastly different than their upbringing. Every now and then, I will reveal something that will make them exclaim “wow, you were poor.” Those memories are funny now, but they were not then. I recall being a broke college student working a part-time job and spending an afternoon searching for enough soda cans and beer bottles to collect a dollar in nickel deposits. I just needed enough money to buy a cheap box of maxi pads from the 99-cents store, because I wasn’t getting paid for another two days.…

Getting Witchy for Women's History Month

Rakisha Branch Manager/Kings BayBranch Manager/Kings Bay

I was sitting at my kitchen table flipping through my first deck of recently purchased tarot cards. A stack of young adult books about paganism, magic and witchcraft sat in front of me. As I shuffled the cards from my left hand to my right, I asked out loud:  “Am I witch now?” My quick-witted 16-year-old replied: “Historically, yes. You’re an older, divorced, Black woman who wears pants. You’re a witch.” Well, dang. Technically, they weren’t wrong in their assessment and it inspired me to delve into the connection between women, marginalized communities and witchcraft.  Pagan …

Sexplanations for You!

Rakisha Branch Manager/Kings BayBranch Manager/Kings Bay

There is so much information about sex, but there aren’t many clear answers.  Is gender and virginity really a social construct? Does sexuality exist on a spectrum? Am I normal? Jokes about kinks or accusations of grooming and sexualization are all over social media, and most of these comments are by folks who neither have the experience nor the knowledge of what those terms mean. The LGBTQIA+acronym seems to grow longer by the day while people are declaring themselves ethically non-monogamous and polyamorous before they’ve even had their first kiss. How does one cut through the…

Sing Your Freakin' Heart Out!

Rakisha Branch Manager/Kings BayBranch Manager/Kings Bay

Sing Your Freakin' Heart Out In the spring of 2022, my group of K-pop-loving friends taught me about the slew of karaoke rooms in mid-Manhattan near Macy’s Herald Square.  Soon we were taking monthly pilgrimages to KoreaTown, colloquially known as K-Town, to storm our favorite karaoke spot. Armed with beverages, fried chicken, and unchecked volume, we would spend hours belting out Broadway showtunes, bad girl anthems, raunchy rap songs, and the requisite BTS hits. We would leave with our moods lighter and our friendship bonds tighter. It was definitely better than singing into a…

New Year, Same You and That's Ok!

Rakisha Branch Manager/Kings BayBranch Manager/Kings Bay

Counting down to a new year makes me anxious especially in the age of social media. I’m overwhelmed by all the year-in-review countdowns--top 10 songs, top 10 TikTok trends, top 10 most searched terms on Google! UGH! Even worse are the messages of “New Year, New You." They feel like a personal attack.  Did I live up to my goals? Do I have any new goals? Do I have to work harder, read more, take better IG photos, eat better, vote, save the world? All this new year resolution stuff is just too much pressure. When did this even start? According to and, new year…

You Ask, We Answer...Asexuality

Rakisha Branch Manager/Kings BayBranch Manager/Kings Bay

Question: Can I be asexual even as a virgin? Answer: What a great question! Thank you for your courage in trusting me to provide you with some information. The short answer is “yes,” but let me delve further.  First, let’s define what does it mean to be asexual or “ace.” Asexuality is a sexual orientation where people have a lack of interest in having sex. It doesn’t mean that this person will never be in a romantic relationship or have sex. Sexual desire is a complex and individual experience. “Asexuality is an orientation not an ideaology.” For more information and to find support,…

Support and Community for LGBTQ, Jewish and BIPOC Teens

Rakisha Branch Manager/Kings BayBranch Manager/Kings Bay

The mass shooting at Club Q in Colorado Springs is a further reminder of the how scary and isolating the world can be for LGBTQ+teens. To add to the trauma, people around the country are also banning books that affirm the existence of the LGBTQ+community. Recent antisemitic comments by celebrities highlights an overall rise in antisemitism in the United States that have many Jewish people fearing for their safety. We have learned over the past two years the importance of standing up and supporting those in marginalized communities who are experiencing primary or second-hand trauma because of…

You Ask, We Answer Your Puberty and Sex Questions

Rakisha Branch Manager/Kings BayBranch Manager/Kings Bay

Question: What are beginner tips for sex you'd give a young man?  Which condom brand is the best?  Thank you for being brave enough to ask such a sensitive question. Making the decision to have sex for the first time is a big decision, but it can be made less overwhelming with pre-planning. Don’t expect sex to be as it is in movies, books, or in pornography. Everyone responds physically and emotionally to sex differently. Secondly, the decision as to when to have sex is yours alone. Don’t let society, your family, your friends, or a romantic partner pressure you.  Once you’re…

Safe Sex and Free Condoms

Rakisha Branch Manager/Kings BayBranch Manager/Kings Bay

When used correctly, condoms are one of the most discreet and portable ways to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy and sexuall transmitted diseases. Condoms are also a versatile form of protection that can be used during oral, vaginal, or anal sex. Every gender can protect themselves with a product that has little to no side effects. For folks with latex allergies, condoms are also available in plastic or nitrile varieties.  Cases of syphilis and gonorrhea have gone up since 2020 in New York City. The rates of syphilis went up by 30.7% among people reported as female (females…

Let's Celebrate Menstrual Hygiene Day!

Rakisha Branch Manager/Kings BayBranch Manager/Kings Bay

Period. Cycle. Monthly.  Aunt Flow. Special visitor. Shark Week.   Everyone who sheds their uterine lining has a special name for that time of the month. For some menstruators, getting a period is no big deal. It’s just another few days out of the month, but it’s a big deal for others. Some folks get periods with debilitating pain. For some trans men, it’s a painful reminder that their body and gender don’t align. And, for some people, it means having to stay home from work or school because they cannot afford menstrual hygiene products like maxi pads, tampons, or menstrual…

We Answered Your Sex Ed and Puberty Questions

Rakisha Branch Manager/Kings BayBranch Manager/Kings Bay

Question: How can I masturbate beside using my hand? I'm nervous because I feel I’m starting to like masturbating too much, and I like putting things in my anus. I'm scared my mom might find out, please help. You have given us quite a doozy of a first question. Thank you! I applaud your bravery in reaching out. First things first: You. Are. Normal. There is nothing wrong with masturbation.  It is a healthy activity that allows you to connect with your body and helps you learn what types of touches you enjoy. Liking it “too much” only becomes a problem if it interferes with your daily…

Ask Us Your Sex & Puberty Questions

Rakisha Branch Manager/Kings BayBranch Manager/Kings Bay

Nearly seven years ago, my supervisor gave me the okay to facilitate puberty and sex ed workshops for teens at my branch. I had not planned on becoming the “Sex Ed Librarian” when I started here 17-years ago, but here I am offering to help you answer some of your biggest sex and puberty questions. My kiddos were on the cusp of puberty and starting middle school nearly a decade ago. Since they have so much access to information at their fingertips, I didn’t want them to enter into a new social world with inaccurate information.  Sure, they knew how babies were made, that people with…

Cycle Alliance Maxi Pad Distribution: Friday, May 21

Rakisha Branch Manager/Kings BayBranch Manager/Kings Bay

Brooklyn Public Library’s Cycle Alliance and Her Village Inc. will be co-hosting a menstrual product distribution and donation event on Friday, May 21 at 2 p.m. Approximately 100 packages of maxi pads will be given to menstruators in need. The public is also encouraged to donate unopened boxes of maxi pads, panty shields, tampons, menstrual cups, and children’s and adult diapers to stock future distribution days.   The Cycle Alliance launched in the fall of 2019 as part of the Brooklyn Public Library’s BKLYN Incubator initiative.  Through …

Bklyn Kids Presents: Comic Con 2019!

Rakisha Branch Manager/Kings BayBranch Manager/Kings Bay

Scroll through the slideshow for more photos of this awesome event! This March, the Youth Wing hosted its fourth annual Comic Con with the theme AfroFuturism and the Celebration of Black Nerd Culture. The event, which drew in nearly 650 participants from across all age groups, featured science fiction writing, cartooning workshops, and a Q&A panel about the intersectionality of gender and race in nerd culture. Tweens and teens got the opportunity to have hands-on experience with the library's virtual reality technology and Lego robotics.     We also had…