Safe Sex and Free Condoms

Rakisha, Branch Manager/Kings Bay

When used correctly, condoms are one of the most discreet and portable ways to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy and sexuall transmitted diseases. Condoms are also a versatile form of protection that can be used during oral, vaginal, or anal sex. Every gender can protect themselves with a product that has little to no side effects. For folks with latex allergies, condoms are also available in plastic or nitrile varieties. 

Cases of syphilis and gonorrhea have gone up since 2020 in New York City. The rates of syphilis went up by 30.7% among people reported as female (females). Teen females and young adult women, ages 15-24, account for 26% of all female chlamydia cases. The Youth Wing at the Central Library wants to do our part in reducing the number of STI rates by participating in the NYC Condom Availability Program. The condoms will be easily accessible in the Teen section of the Youth Wing as supplies last. 

The Health Department’s Sexual Health Clinics offer low- to no-cost walk-in sexual health services for people 12 years and older, regardless of immigration status. No parental consent is necessary. For more information on the Sexual Health Clinics, including services, locations, and hours of operation, visit

Brooklyn Public Library’s Cycle Alliance is teaming up with with the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene on August 10th for a virtual Safe Sex and Condom Negotiation workshop. Parental consent and a library card is not required. Teens can also get reliable and researched answers to your Puberty and Sex Ed questions. Email us at and expect an answer within two weeks. Excerpts of questions may be used anonymously in future Bklyn Future posts. 

Note: The condoms referred to in this post are also known as a "Male (External) Condom." 

Disclaimer: The information provided in this post is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice or mental health counseling. Please consult with a medical or mental health professional when seeking medical or mental health advice, diagnoses, or treatment.  We are not liable for risks or issues associated with your using or acting upon the information in our site.


This blog post reflects the opinions of the author and does not necessarily represent the views of Brooklyn Public Library.


Kim Doyle

I'm the Youth Services Librarian at Fort Bragg (CA) Library and we will soon be distributing condoms in the library. Do you have any advice? Thank you for your time!
Wed, Sep 7 2022 9:10 pm Permalink

In reply to by Md Faisal Ali

Sorry for the delay in responding! High school students who attend public New York City high schools can get free condoms from their school unless their parents or guardians have opted them out of the distribution program.(…) Free condoms can be found at local LGBTQ+ Centers and women's health clinics. You may also visit to locate a location to find safer sex products. --Rakisha
Mon, Nov 14 2022 10:06 pm Permalink
Loyal (Jami) B…

This was a good read, there are no sefe sex condom commercials on TV ,only like prep and that's find good!!, better options I still think there are STI that condom help prevent from.Two safe sex infomercial on tv STD protection would help the practice of safe sex.
Wed, Feb 15 2023 2:04 am Permalink

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