Blog Posts tagged as: New Year

BPL Book Bingo! 23 Books for 2023

Virginia; Caroline Kravitz

Each time a new year rolls around, it seems the age-old resolution to “read more books” does too. This year, we challenge you to not only read more books but to read 23 books for 2023! And, we've developed a list to guide your reading and encourage you to step outside your comfort zone.   So, in 2023, we challenge you to read: A book for the new year (check out some of our New Year's booklists for inspiration!)  A book with a bookmark from a previous patron   A book in translation   An audiobook or eBook …

2021 New Year's Resolutions: Yay or Nay?


I'm so grateful 2020 is FINALLY over and I'm sure many of you are too. At the end of each year I set a minimum of five resolutions or goals for the next year. This year, I hope to: Get my driver's license Read fifty books Move into a new apartment Bake at least once a month, and... Try watercolor painting, again. Setting goals can be fun. They can help motivate you, keep you focused and feel a sense of accomplishment. They can also be torturous! In Mia Garcia's novel, The Resolutions, four high school seniors and best friends assign each other dares, instead of resolutions on…

​Holiday Hopes & New Year Beginnings ​


I like the winter holidays. Many multicultural celebrations are meant to purge the misfortunes and mistakes of the old year and to have hope and goodwill for the new year. The winter holidays can be a time of contemplation, to re-center yourself, and to strengthen your beliefs and goals. You can look back on the past year, determine what things that were favorable or unfavorable to you, and decide what you are going to do differently in the new year. Whether you are symbolically casting off the sins of the previous year by tossing pieces of bread, food, or stones into a…