Brooklyn Resists Curriculum Prologue

These lessons introduce the stories of three Black Brooklynites, Dr. Brian Purnell, visual artist Nona Faustine and Dr. Aja Lans. Each were interviewed about their lives in Brooklyn. Please use their stories to help students make connections to living in Brooklyn with their lived experiences.


Step 1: Watch Being Black in Brooklyn and complete the Video Worksheet.

Step 2: Go over the worksheet and facilitate a conversation with the class about their experiences 

  • What was familiar about the experience of the people in the video? Please explain.
  • Were they similar to the people in the video to your experience or someone you know? How was it different?

Step 3: If you are comfortable, share if you identify with the stories in the video.

Step 4: Create a narrative of your shared experiences as a class.

Step 1: Watch First Experiences of Racism and complete the Video Worksheet/

Step 2: Go over the worksheet.

Step 3: Facilitate a conversation with the class about the experiences and themes (racism, belonging, safety, education, familiarity) discussed in the video.

Step 4: Write the themes on the board and have students write a scenario based on one of the themes on post it notes. Then, place all Post-it note on the board. Ask why they chose the put these scenarios under these specific themes. 

Step 5: Discuss all scenarios and connect it to the video. Ask students if any of the scenarios are similar to the experiences discussed in the video? If so, how.

Step 6: Ask if anyone has experienced something similar to their experiences? If students, and/or you feel comfortable, share the experience.

Step 7: Ask the class, How does the knowledge gained from these videos change your knowledge of Black people in the United States.


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Source materials for lessons