Date field search
You may search for a year or a date range.
Date range 1942-1945, search: 1942 or 1943 or 1944 or 1945
Date range 1940-1949, search: 194*
Date range 1940-1959, search: 194* or 195*
Date range 1940-1949, except 1943, search: 194* -(1943)
Keyword search
Enter your search terms separated by spaces in the search box. All filenames and metadata fields will be included in the search.
Phrase search
If the search terms are enclosed by “double quotes”, only assets matching all of the given terms in phrase will be returned. For example, if you search for “big blue fish” then only assets with the phrase big blue fish will be returned.
Exact search
If the search terms are enclosed by (parentheses), assets with any field that exactly matches the enclosed phrase will be returned.
Field specific search
To search on a specific metadata field, enter the field label followed by a colon. For example, callnumber: herz will return all assets with that call number.
Does not contain search
To search all fields or a specific field that does not contain a search term, include a hyphen and parentheses around the search term. For example, -(fish) will return all assets that do not contain the search term fish or -(filename:fish) will return all assets where the filename does not contain fish.