BPL Virtual Smash Ultimate Tournament
teen tech time
video games
Virtual Programming
Social distancing got you down? Got a Nintendo Switch? Join us at BPL's Smash Ultimate arena!
Play against your friends and folks from all across Brooklyn! All skill levels welcome!
No registration required! Just search for the arena "BPL Plays" and use password 11210. The arena will be open from 3- 5:30 PM. See you there!
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03/26/2020 11:00 am
03/26/2020 01:30 pm
BPL Virtual Smash Ultimate Tournament
<p>Social distancing got you down? Got a Nintendo Switch? Join us at BPL's Smash Ultimate arena!</p>
<p>Play against your friends and folks from all across Brooklyn! All skill levels welcome!</p>
<p>No registration required! Just search for the arena "BPL Plays" and use password 11210. The arena will be open from 3- 5:30 PM. See you there! </p>
Brooklyn Public Library - Virtual