Juneteenth in Brower Park featuring Asante's African Safari!

Sat, Jun 19 2021
9:00 am – 10:00 am
Basketball Court at Brower Park

BPL Outdoors Juneteenth live music music storytime

Akwesi Munir Asante shares African American stories and tales, accompanied by music and dance at the "Celebrate Juneteenth" program in Brower Park!

Join us for this special program and enjoy the other festivities!

Basketball Court at Brower Park
181 Brooklyn Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11216

Add to My Calendar 06/19/2021 09:00 am 06/19/2021 10:00 am America/New_York Juneteenth in Brower Park featuring Asante's African Safari! <p>Akwesi Munir Asante shares African American stories and tales, accompanied by music and dance at the "Celebrate Juneteenth" program in Brower Park!</p> <p>Join us for this special program and enjoy the other festivities!</p> <p><img alt="" height="720" src="https://static.bklynlibrary.org/prod/public/images/JuneteenthFlyer%5B3789%5D.jpg" width="1280" /></p> Brooklyn Public Library - Brower Park Library MM/DD/YYYY 60