Personal Finance for Everyone

Tue, Feb 25 2020
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Central Library, Info Commons Lab

business finance

Baffled by where your money is going? Does retirement seem unreachable? Tired of living paycheck to paycheck or just without a realistic financial plan? Stop being reactive; become proactive about your money!

This workshop is geared towards people who want to take control of their finances from an INDEPENDENT Personal Finance expert - Galia Gichon. Whether you need help getting started or you are already minding your finances but want to take it to the next level or simply need a checkup, join Galia Gichon for a personal finance seminar you can’t afford to miss! Galia has 20+ years experience in financial services, an MBA in Finance and does NOT SELL ANY INVESTMENTS or MANAGE ANY MONEY. This uplifting and inspiring presentation will give you the confidence to handle your money!

You will learn how to:

​• Get organized. See where you are today and where you want to be

• Set realistic Financial Goals

• Manage your credit

• Create a budget and spending plan that works for you

• Develop a plan for automatic savings

• Invest in mutual funds

• Take the uncertainty of retirement planning and determine the best Retirement Plan for You

• Best financial resources including apps, sites, books and ongoing tips

• Learn how to deal with your finances in just 30 minutes a week

BPL’s Business & Career Center is generously supported by Dime Community Bank, Lead Funder of the PowerUP! Business Plan Competition, Dr. Beverly S. Jacobs, Ridgewood Savings Bank, Con Edison, ReferenceUSA, Elizabeth Crowell & Robert Wilson and Signature Bank.

10 Grand Army Plaza
Brooklyn, NY 11238 Get Directions
Add to My Calendar 02/25/2020 01:00 pm 02/25/2020 02:30 pm America/New_York Personal Finance for Everyone <p>Baffled by where your money is going? Does retirement seem unreachable? Tired of living paycheck to paycheck or just without a realistic financial plan? Stop being reactive; become proactive about your money!</p> <p>This workshop is geared towards people who want to take control of their finances from an INDEPENDENT Personal Finance expert - <a href="">Galia Gichon</a>. Whether you need help getting started or you are already minding your finances but want to take it to the next level or simply need a checkup, join <a href="">Galia Gichon</a> for a personal finance seminar you can’t afford to miss! Galia has 20+ years experience in financial services, an MBA in Finance and does NOT SELL ANY INVESTMENTS or MANAGE ANY MONEY. This uplifting and inspiring presentation will give you the confidence to handle your money!</p> <p>You will learn how to:</p> <p>​• Get organized. See where you are today and where you want to be</p> <p>• Set realistic Financial Goals</p> <p>• Manage your credit</p> <p>• Create a budget and spending plan that works for you</p> <p>• Develop a plan for automatic savings<… Brooklyn Public Library - Central Library, Info Commons Lab MM/DD/YYYY 60