2024 EJK Bookmaking Competition Exhibition

Central Library, Youth Wing
The 2024 Ezra Jack Keats Bookmaking Competition

View the entire 2024 Bookmaking Award Catalog here!

On display in Central Library's Youth Wing are all of the city, borough and school winning books, as well as those chosen for honorable mention. Hundreds of books are made for the Bookmaking Competition by public school students, grades 3 through 12, from all five boroughs.

We hope, after seeing the student’s incredible work on this page, you’ll visit the Youth Wing to see the books in person! 

Every book is unique; made by hand and focuses on virtually any subject kids think, imagine and worry about between ages 7 and 18. These books are funny, sad, eerie, wise and silly. And some reach heights of artistry and imagination that rival books found in the finest bookstores.

The program is administered by the Brooklyn Public Library, New York City Public Schools, and the Ezra Jack Keats Foundation. Brooklyn Public Library is delighted to host the judging, award ceremony and exhibition. By every measure, this initiative continues to be a great success.

To learn more about the EJK Bookmaking Competition and meet the jury please click here.

Ezra Jack Keats FoundationFrom the Ezra Jack Keats Foundation:
The Ezra Jack Keats Foundation’s mission is to support teachers and librarians in public schools and libraries across the country, to foster the creation of outstanding and diverse children’s literature and to bring the joy of reading and learning to all children. In addition to the Ezra Jack Keats Bookmaking Competition the Foundation’s programs include the prestigious Ezra Jack Keats Award for early career authors and illustrators of children's books and the Ezra Jack Keats Minigrant program. For information about the Ezra Jack Keats Foundation, please visit ejkf.org.

From NYC Public Schools:
Creating a picture book involves higher order thinking skills, well developed organizational abilities, perseverance, and an independent spirit of creativity. These are the qualities of a successful individual. New York City Public Schools is pleased to collaborate with the Ezra Jack Keats Foundation on an initiative that addresses what we value in a well-rounded education. For more information about New York City Public Schools, please visit schools.nyc.gov.

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