Blog Posts tagged as: menstrual hygiene day

Period Protection For Back to School

Rakisha, Branch Manager/Kings Bay, Branch Manager/Kings Bay

Pencils? Check. Notebooks? Check. Bookbag? Check. Scientific calculator? Check. Uniform shirt? Check. Pads and tampons? Uh-oh! When preparing for the new school year, heading to the Staples and Rumi to stock up on cute stationery supplies seems like a no brainer but how about the menstrual hygiene aisle at the supermarket? Although all New York public middle and high schools are required to have free period products available in the restrooms, it’s easy to be caught unaware. Bathroom dispensers in schools, however, are only a drop in a bucket compared to the millions of menstruators who…

Let's All Celebrate Menstruation

Rakisha, Branch Manager/Kings Bay, Branch Manager/Kings Bay

I am the Puberty Librarian. I am the Period Lady. I’m the patron saint of library menstruators. If I had $1 for every time a coworker said “I think of you every time I get a tampon from the staff bathroom,” I’d be able to pay both my kiddos’ college tuition. I have a brand and a reputation, and I accept it proudly. Sometimes, it gets burdensome because I’m a librarian that contains multitudes, doggoneit! I make jewelry. I’m learning to read Korean. I’m studying philosophy. Then, I remember that period poverty and menstrual equity is still a worldwide issue. If the thought of me inspires folks…

Let's Celebrate Menstrual Hygiene Day!

Rakisha, Branch Manager/Kings Bay, Branch Manager/Kings Bay

Period. Cycle. Monthly.  Aunt Flow. Special visitor. Shark Week.   Everyone who sheds their uterine lining has a special name for that time of the month. For some menstruators, getting a period is no big deal. It’s just another few days out of the month, but it’s a big deal for others. Some folks get periods with debilitating pain. For some trans men, it’s a painful reminder that their body and gender don’t align. And, for some people, it means having to stay home from work or school because they cannot afford menstrual hygiene products like maxi pads, tampons, or menstrual…