Welcome Home, Soldier.


As World War II came to an end, the Eagle pointed out that "war is not ended with the defeat of the enemy's arms."  Life in Brooklyn would continue, but it had to adjust to the return of its brave soldiers.  326,000 men had served in the war, 12% of Brooklyn's total population and, more staggeringly, 58% of Brooklyn's males between the ages of 18 and 37.  While Brooklynites were thrilled to have their boys back home, there was a question as to where all of these returning citizens were going to live.  

The Crosby Family and their new home in Manhattan Beach, March 1946

Demand for housing was high across the city, but particularly among veterans.  In February 1946, the Times reported that on a single day 500 families applied for housing when only 5 single rooms and 2 apartments were available.  Mrs. William H. Browning, the wife of a veteran and a former Red Cross worker told the Times, "I'm so discouraged.  I wish I had stayed overseas."

Young newlyweds and expanding families found themselves living in hotels, basements and friends' spare bedrooms.  Some families resorted to sharing single-family homes because alternatives were simply not available. 

In response to growing demands, city, state and federal government funding was allocated for Emergency Temporary Housing for Veterans.  The bulk of this funding became available in 1946, providing a boom in veterans' housing in Brooklyn and beyond.  As the housing was viewed as "temporary," projects were developed simply and quickly.  The city rented large plots of land in areas such as Jamaica Bay, Manhattan Beach, Ulmer Park and Marine Park.  And each project included its own unqiue take on the single-family dwelling, including...

The metal, airplane hanger-esque Quonset house:

Jamaica Bay project, undated

The quickly-built frame house:

The re-purposed military barrack:

Marine Park Project, November 1946

And the renovated Coast Guard building:

Given the challenges of finding housing in the city, the new residents of these homes were thrilled to be selected.  The bare bones structures were a vast improvement on their previous living situations.  Many young families were particularly excited to have their own home, something that had seemed impossible.  And better yet, they were to be surrounded by other veteran families.  The Goldstein Family in their new home in Ulmer Park, December 1946

The Newmans tackle kitchen chores together in Sheepshead Bay, March 1947While the neighborhoods were not perfect -- many lacked paved roads and were not very close to public transportation -- the residents were willing to overlook these inconveniences in exchange for a roof over their heads.  Some units were even designed with disabled veterans in mind, providing an ease of living that was unavailble in other housing options.  Ramps, specialty closets and lower appliances made disabled veterans feel more comfortable in their own home.  The Newmans, at left, were thrilled that their new home allowed them to complete chores, like washing the dishes, together.  

Veterans demonstrate conveniences of disabled veterans' housing in Sheepshead Bay, March 1947

Frank Tranchia and son mop up rain water from inside their Linden Houses home, November 1947Unfortunately, it took less than a year for families to realize that their new homes were less than perfect.  By 1947, the Eagle began reporting that the veteran's homes were more temporary than originally thought.  In particular, the Quonset structures in Ulmer Parked were defenseless against rain and snow.  Tarps were used to cover the roofs and fathers spent more time cleaning up leaks than playing with their children.  

Tarps protect Quonset houses in Ulmer Park from the rain, July 1947

Within a few years, the families were continuing to grow, but the structures were looking more and more dilapidated.  The inexpensive materials of the houses could not hold up against the regular wear-and-tear of family life.

Dilapidated homes at the Linden Houses project, November 1952

While many families prospered and moved on to permanent housing, many, many families were unable to make that leap.  For them, city housing was not a temporary solution -- it was the only option. 

In the early 1950s, with less funding and a greater demand for housing beyond the veteran community, the city began to make changes.  Some projects were re-classified to fulfill general (not just veteran) housing needs.  Others were slated for complete closure.  Perhaps the most controversial was the decision to tear down the Manhattan Beach project for the creation of a city park in 1953.  Demonstration by Manhattan Beach families, August 1953

For the hundreds of families living in Manhattan Beach, this news was unwelcome.  Mothers and children protested (above) throughout the summer of 1953 and watched as abandoned houses around them were torn down (below), a sign that that city was not going to give in.  Demolition begins as protests continue, August 1953

The Clark Family lives without electricity, December 1953In December, the city took drastic measures against the final remaining residents by shutting off the electricity in the project.  On the left, the Clark family attempted to live by candlelight in the hopes that their home would be saved - sadly, they were unsuccessful and quickly moved.  The last resident, Leon Mitrany was finally forced out in January 1954. 

The era of veterans' housing was quickly coming to an end.  The city promised to continue housing veterans in need, but it was clear that their priorities were not the same as they had been in 1946.  Many of the veterans that had been eager to call Brooklyn home felt that the city had given up on them.  It seemed that they had failed to make the transition from temporary to permanent fast enough. 

In the summer of 1954, nearly 500 former residents of the Manhattan Beach project held a reunion.  The Eagle covered the event and noted that only 7% of the families that had once lived in that community still lived in Brooklyn.  Many of Brooklyn's brave soldiers could not afford to live in their own hometown.  And yet, despite their relocations, many were determined to keep their Brooklyn roots alive with annual picnics and gatherings.  "No matter how far apart they have settled, however," the Eagle reported, "their unity still remains."

Former Residents Gather for a Picnic, July 1954


This blog post reflects the opinions of the author and does not necessarily represent the views of Brooklyn Public Library.


Mona kidd

It was great seeing what you called "renovated coast guard building" among your pictures. The picture shown here looks like the exact building I lived in from my birth in 1948 until 1952. I have wonderful memories living here and I'd like to take a picture of it and prominently hang it up.
Wed, Dec 4 2019 2:32 am Permalink
Matilda d’Erri…

I remember living in the renovated Coast Guard barracks from 1949-1951. I attended kindergarten in the local elementary school. Also winning a little tea set at the local movie theater. I also remember being able to watch derigibles being lauched from the CG base next door. We moved to the Alfred E. Smith projects in Manhattan on the lower east side in 1951. Miss my old neighborhoods.
Tue, Apr 21 2020 11:29 pm Permalink
Elizabeth (Jac…

In reply to by Matilda d’Erri…

I lived in the Coast Guard buildings..we use to call them the barracks..My family..Frank and Vi Jacobs..my sister Gerry and myself..I have a picture which I will have to find of a bunch of the wives/kids s try landing in front of one of the buildings
Sat, Nov 21 2020 7:00 am Permalink
Susan Super

Hello! I’m looking for information on military housing located in Sheepshead Head Bay in the 1960s. I lived on a single street of 3 story brick homes with other military families while by father was stationed at Floyd Bennett Field. Any photos & info is greatly appreciated. Thanks! Susan
Fri, Jun 26 2020 12:58 am Permalink

I'm looking for information on 66 South 3rd st Brooklyn,NY. Was it housing for the Army in 1919? I found that a house was built on the lot in 1920. Im tracing information on my grandmother who gave that addressing. Any help would appreciated Thanks
Sat, Aug 1 2020 6:04 pm Permalink
Robert Duni

I believe I lived in the re-purposed military barracks until 1954...I remember a swamp and rats and a man with a heard of goats in the area. We shopped on stienway Street a lot
Fri, Feb 19 2021 8:57 pm Permalink
Steven Ringer

We lived on the second floor in the coast guard building at 601 Chalker ave.We we’re there for two years from 1949-1951.I moved in at age4 and we had to leave at age 5.Our apt was no more than 15 feet from the ocean and the rocks in Manhattan beach. Cool in the summer,but freezing in the winter.The barracks were replaced by a city owned beach.
Tue, Jul 13 2021 5:31 pm Permalink
Michael Alper

I lived at 702 Horne Avenue, Brooklyn NY The building, barracks, was called Lexington Hall. I still have the original wooden sign Lexington Hall that was affixed to the entrance.
Fri, Jul 23 2021 10:38 am Permalink
Dennis Avenoso

I was born in 1948 while my family lived at the re-purposed buildings at 67 West Way, Gerretson Beach (across from Devon st) Most of my friends living there moved to the Glenwood houses 1954 +/-, when the City began tearing down the units. I only have a few photos of the place. Would like to see more
Sat, Mar 26 2022 6:23 pm Permalink
Franklin C. Marcus

In reply to by Dennis Avenoso

I lived in 47 East Way from Dec., 1947 through Dec., 1952, when we moved to Sheepshead Bay. In a way I miss the project because I enjoyed the lawn between the rows of buildings. I started kindergarten at the school in the project and transferred to P.S.206 when we moved.
Tue, Nov 15 2022 3:27 am Permalink
Carrie Dovzak

My Mother was miserable at the Garretsen Beach Barracks. With a new baby, she was unable to visit her family due to public transportation not being accessible nearby, and said the walls so so flimsy you could hear every conversation and movement your neighbors made. She told me it was the most trying time of her life!
Thu, Apr 14 2022 7:02 pm Permalink
Alec Dubro

I lived in the former Coast Guard barracks at Manhattan Beach from 1946 until 1951. Three, and then four, people in a one-bedroom apartment. I'd think it was cramped and bleak today but then it was a paradise: crawling with other kids, near the beach, and we were left to roam free. It probably wasn't so idyllic but that's what I remember.
Thu, May 12 2022 6:08 pm Permalink
agnes rodriguez

Great seeing all those photos. Born in December '45 lived in Gerritsen Beach till 1967, married at Resurrection church. Went to Resurrestion school through 8th grade, then to McAuley High School. It was a great environment.
Mon, Jul 4 2022 5:33 pm Permalink
Gerald Neidich

I'm the son of Murray Neidich, US Navy vet 1943-45 : Along with my mother Shirley, we lived in Gerritsen Beach from about 1946 (when I was born) to 1953. We were than relocated to downtown Manhattan and lived in the new Alfred E. Smith Housing Project. After about a year, we moved to Brighton Beach.
Mon, Feb 13 2023 4:47 pm Permalink
william cunnius

In 1952 my family lived at 104 or 103 West Way, Gerritsen Beach NY. I can't find any record of it at all. My wife's family lived at North Way in the same barracks in Gerritsen Beach. We met in New Hyde Park NY, unaware of this coincidence. Are there any photos of the Barracks as they were called or just a brief history.
Fri, Feb 17 2023 8:49 pm Permalink
william cunnius

In reply to by DBowers-Smith

i lived in the Barracks at gerritsen beach ny at 104 or 104 West Way but i can't find any history or photos. My wife's family lived there also at North Way. The families did not know each other then. Do you have any information or photos
Sat, May 13 2023 2:01 am Permalink
David Ascher

We lived in the "Linden Veterans Houses" - which I knew as "The Barracks". Unpaved streets, lots of kids (of course), walk to PS 213 in kindergarten and 1st grade. It was much better than the one bedroom basement apartment we'd been in before - it had TWO bedrooms - one for me and my two younger brothers and one for our parents. Such luxury. I cannot recall there being any kind of heating. I asked my father about that shortly before he died last year after turning 99 and he couldn't remember any heating either. There was no place for a furnace and neither of us remembered any kind of radiators. I remember having a "big" backyard and our family being among the last to move - to new City Housing in The Bronx. I remember that they were tearing down other houses before we finally left.
Mon, Mar 27 2023 10:02 pm Permalink
Dorothy Fontana

In reply to by David Ascher

I lived in the Linden Houses on Bradford Street and also went to PS 213 and Jr High 147. We had 2 of the apartments because my mother had a lot of children. The heating system was an oil heater in the living room. Very cold in the winter but we managed. My dad built a porch in the back to join the apartments and also an opening inside so we could go from one apartment to the other. I had many friends there and a lot of kids to play with. I have wonderful memories. of those days and would like to get picture's of the complex and also see if any of my friends are still living.
Wed, Apr 3 2024 12:34 am Permalink
Salvatore noto

I remember living there along the belt parkway. We had a little bungalow. I tried to find pictures of it very hard to do with that. I remember the streets with dirt, and we had no heat except a stove to put wood inside of it, and the floors were made out of wood. My dad was in the United States Marines, it’s a shame the way they treated the heroes from World War II a lot of the homes burnt down. I wish they were records of it or pictures of it. I’d love to see where I lived exactly by being too young I am really don’t remember a lot of it if you have pictures, I would love to have them. I’d love to see exactly where I lived. We didn’t live in a hunt , we lived in a bungalow. Thank you.
Tue, Apr 18 2023 4:36 am Permalink
Roger D Polansky

In reply to by DBowers-Smith

we lived in Wasp Hall, Manhattan Beach until 1949 or 1950. Are there any photos of the former coast guard training center. I went from 1st - 5th grade in various classrooms throughout the complex. Thank you for any help.
Sun, Jun 4 2023 2:27 am Permalink
Jay Factor

We were fortunate to share a 2 bedroom apt on Hinsdale St, Brooklyn with my aunt and maternal grandmother. I was born December, 1946. In 1951, we moved to the Boulevard Housing Project which replaced many of the Navy Quonset Huts erected on Jamaica Bay in ENY. We saw rows of them connected by wooden walkways over the swamps. I remember the adults talking about the "Projects" being the first permanent housing on that land. Thanks for the article. The link appeared on Facebook and that's how I found it.
Sat, Jun 24 2023 11:15 am Permalink
Barbara Dower

We lived on John Barry Blvd in Manhattan Beach projects. My dad was Navy who fought in the South Pacific in WWII. We wound up leaving in the 1950s and moved out to Long Island. I never knew why but possibly because all the projects were being razed. I believe Kingsboro Community College is now sitused there
Sat, Jun 24 2023 1:42 pm Permalink

I lived in the army barracks in Floyd Bennett Field at 16 East Way from 1947-1952. I attended PS194 Annex from kindergarten through 3rd grade, which was in a one floor barracks building.
Sat, Nov 18 2023 4:19 am Permalink

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