Tips and Tricks For Getting Out of a Reading Slump


At the end of 2022, I was in a deep reading slump. I hadn’t read anything in a month, breaking a years-long streak. I felt disappointed, frustrated, and annoyed. I would look at my TBR list and the unread books on my shelf with contempt as I knew they would sit there for months longer. I wanted to be reading again, but somehow it felt impossible. 

And yet, I did climb out of the reading slump eventually. It was slow and gradual, but at the end of 2023 I have been reading books consistently for the past three months. Here are some tips that helped me. Maybe they can help you too. 

Change it Up

Try something new! If you find yourself reading one genre for a long time (I was dedicated to YA Romance) it can help to try something completely new. It can feel bad to get a new book if you have unread books on your shelf, but using your local library can help you try a new genre without purchasing a book. The genre I tried was horror, as I had recently gotten into horror movies. It was a completely different genre, but I tried to ease myself into it by reading some YA horror like Ryan La Sala’s The Honeys, making the genre more familiar by staying in the YA category. I also read the original novels of the movies I liked, like Annihilation by Jeff VanderMeer. Finding something new that is still familiar can be helpful in changing things up!

You can also try a new format! Graphic novels, comics, and audiobooks are all great forms of reading that can feel very different from what you may be used to. The same stories can be presented in a new way that can make it easier to enjoy!

Small Goals

Simple, easy goals can be a good motivator. Try getting through one pile of books or write down one list to read through. Set a deadline or set yourself a reward once you complete your goal. My goal is to finish my books on one small shelf before I buy any new ones. This keeps me going, but also makes it feel less intimidating as it cuts my TBR down significantly. It can be overwhelming to have a list with no end in sight.

It’s Okay!

Sometimes you might fall out of reading for a while, and that’s okay! It might allow you to discover a new hobby. During my reading slump, I watched more movies than I ever had and discovered a new love for horror flicks! Lighten the pressure: not reading is not the end of the world. Even if you are trying to get back into it, it’s okay if you fall out again or don’t meet your goal. Especially for teenagers, our lives are busy with school and homework. Reading should be fun, and if it isn’t making you happy it’s okay to take a break. Your books will be there waiting for you when you’re ready to come back. 


This blog post reflects the opinions of the author and does not necessarily represent the views of Brooklyn Public Library.


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