Move over Costco


Stores like BJ's and Costco have brought to many present-day Brooklynites an irresistible combination of consumer emotions, making us feel simultaneously rich and frugal by allowing us to cram our tiny New York City dwellings with discounted consumer goods.  For maybe seventy percent of the regular price, plus the price of your annual membership, you can lay up industrial quantities of frozen cod fillets, kitchen towels, and bottles of detergent so large you can barely lift them. You can buy two dozen eggs at once and watch them ageing in the refrigerator for the next month; you can stuff your freezer with so much frozen quiche that no real man would set foot within a mile of your apartment, and you can set your heart all aflutter carrying 40lb bags of dogfood up four flights of stairs. 

Come and get it wholsale!--Groceries and daity products are offered at wholesale prices in food club plan by Gertzog's 1794 Sheepshead Bay Road, first borough store to initiate co-operative buying on a weekly fee basis...Boris Edelman, co-owner of store, signed up 200 members in first three days. Brooklyn Daily Eagle Dec 9, 1947

Needless to say, such notions have been in the air in Brooklyn for a long time. The first food club in the borough, according to an Eagle article dated December 7, 1947, was started at the Gertzog dairy and grocery store, 1294 Sheepshead Bay Road. Part-owner of the store Boris Edelman said, "Women came here and they didn't have enough money to buy the things their families needed." Borrowing an idea from a Philadelphia butcher, he charged a $1.25 weekly fee and sold food items at wholesale prices.  According to his reckoning, he needed at least 350 members in order to turn a profit.

Boris Edelman, part-owner Gertzog Dairy & Grocery Store, 1794 Sheepshead Bay Road.  Mrs Olga Capozucca of 1515 Emmons Ave signs for food club a co-op buying at wholesale prices.

But not everyone was eager to jump on board. One woman refused to believe she could actually save money through the club. Something of a showman, Edelman decided to test her. He said "I pulled a dollar bill out of my pocket and offered it to her for a dime. She refused to take it. 'What's the catch in it?' she wanted to know." 


This blog post reflects the opinions of the author and does not necessarily represent the views of Brooklyn Public Library.


Save the Slope

Fascinating story; thanks! Wonder what became of Mr Edelman's business? Another "catch" to the Costco model, besides the absurdly huge quantities that you note, is that it requires Brooklynites who shop there to maintain private automobiles with which to convey themselves and their goods to and from the few Costco stores in our borough. And this auto-centric shopping model imposes additional costs on *everyone* in the form of more congested streets, noise and air pollution... even if you never shop there!
Sat, Oct 9 2010 2:54 am Permalink

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