Meet the Brooklyn Collection




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Bridgette Preston

Ivy: Very informative video about the Brooklyn Collection. What an excellent community resource for civic engagement with the past, present, and future of Brooklyn. Did you know that my brother Greg is one of the archivests at the Bentley Museum at UM-Ann Arbor? I think he's doing the same types of things your staff history and collections from throughout the state of Michigan. I also enjoyed reading your "Mr. Death" post. I love those reality-based site-specific ghost types of stories. FYI, I recently organized the Second Annual Palmer, AK, Underground Tour that explored the myths, rumors, legends and alleged ghosts that inhabit some of our local buildings.....of course, our city history only goes back about 75 years, but that's plenty of time for myths to evolve and spirits to linger. We had about 75 people on the tour and they loved it! I enjoy learning about Brooklyn!
Wed, Nov 16 2011 3:03 am Permalink

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