

After twenty years under sail as a Brooklyn Public Library crew member, your blog editor will be jumping ship on Friday 28th June, leaving in her wake a trail of 92--count 'em--92 blog posts on everything from Pigtown to alcoholic turtles. With an eye to the future, yet, as befits a local history librarian, with feet firmly anchored in fine examples from the past, let me now look forward to life beyond the library.

For an old special collections dame, collecting is going to be an attractive pastime.

Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 16, 1937
Miss Mary shown...with her collection of English tin soldiers...Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 29, 1940

Art projects line up to be completed, and the knitting that has been languishing for two years next to the sofa might even be finished.

Mr Joseph Turner came out of retirement to make shadow boxes that people buy...Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 1, 1946

And honestly, another good reason to move on is the need to get down to some serious gardening.

"On the job--Mrs. Louis Sternberg of Brooklyn CDVO helps to turn the ground [with a plow] in community [victory] garden at 17th Ave. [i.e. East 17th Street?] and Avenue J." Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 20, 1943

I will certainly relish the opportunity to take long walks,

Sir Edmund Hillary leads a companion over broken and dangerous ground...Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 19, 1953

 maybe go camping

Image from Frederick Cook's 1909 arctic expedition. Wikimedia Commons

And I'll be doing some traveling, as far as my limited budget will allow:

View of Jacqueline Cochrane, who took international record by flying 331.716 m.p.h. in 1940, in cockpit of airplane. Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 29, 1941

But most of all, I look forward to being a humble student and servant of music.

Ensemble work is always tremendously stimulating,

Robert Hickok...leads the Community Orchestra in rehearsal ...of Handel's "Israel in Egypt..." Brooklyn Daily Eagle Jan 3, 1954

in whatever form,

 The Tyroliers...will provide...the opening the Academy of Music. Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 19, 1952

and I will especially relish time spent at the keyboard, alone or with an adoring acolyte:

Fifteen-year old Dorothy Vera Franceschi play her prize-winning "Obsession."Brooklyn Daily Eagle Mar 23, 1953

Although sad to relate, my acolyte is more likely to resemble this one: 

Bom Bomb and Patricia Typond. Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sept 26, 1949

 And then, after a hard practice session, what could be better than to follow the example of Floyd, the tippling turtle of the Toddy Inn.

'Water, schmater," says Floyd, turtle," I'll take a jumbo lager any time." Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 1, 1953

Farewell Brooklynology! Farewell Brooklyn Public Library, dear colleagues and library patrons!


This blog post reflects the opinions of the author and does not necessarily represent the views of Brooklyn Public Library.



It's hard to imagine the Brooklyn Collection - and Brooklynology - without you, Joy. Thanks for being such an inspiration to us all! This is a retirement well deserved!
Fri, Jun 28 2013 6:35 pm Permalink
Cecilia Repetti

Congratulations Joy and welcome to the world of retirement. I had a wonderful time working with you and the rest of the crew in the Brooklyn Collection and I am proud to count you as a wonderful friend!! BTW great post!!
Sat, Jun 29 2013 1:16 am Permalink

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