
Brooklyn Public Library offers educators a wide array of resources and services, both in our neighborhood branches and online. We encourage you to make BPL a partner in your classroom!

What can BPL do for you?

  • Sign up for a class visit, including Brooklyn Connections.
  • Take advantage of extended borrowing privileges for educators!
  • Access our many online Research and Learning resources (library card may be required).
  • Attend free, high-quality workshops and seminars at the Library throughout the school year, available to all educators.
  • Earn qualifying credit towards the New York State Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) 100 hours requirement.
  • Participate in Brooklyn Connections, the school outreach arm of the Library's Brooklyn Collection.
  • Enjoy rare access to original archival materials while completing a customized, standards-based project.
  • Take advantage of our professional development workshops, after-school visits and online resources.
  • Book a librarian for library orientations and card drives, booktalks and research lessons, professional development for educators, workshops for parents, and more! All sessions offered free of charge at your school.
  • Download a full menu of school outreach services.
  • Send any school outreach questions via email, chat, or phone via our reference service.


 Open Book: Resources for Educators

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A green book with a face, arms, and legs.

BPL is now Fine Free! 

We are closing the book on fines and going fine free - forever!

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Bklyn BookMatch

Need a reading recommendation for you or your students? Try Brooklyn Public Library’s free service, Bklyn BookMatch. Complete our online form and a BPL librarian will create a customized book list of at least five titles for you. You can expect a response within approximately two weeks.

Get Matched