Brooklyn Public Library’s Greenpoint Library and Environmental Education Center acts as a document repository for local remediation reports. These reports are produced by environmental engineers and developers that undertake evaluation and construction projects in areas that have been identified by government environmental agencies as a Superfund or brownfield site. These documents are made available to the public as a way for residents and businesses to access information about these projects and participate in the remediation process.
Look below to find digital versions for many of the documents in our repository available to download. More updated versions of records are digitally available at the Greenpoint Library and the Environmental Education Center.
For access and submission of remediation documents that are part of the Greenpoint collection, email your request to athompson@bklynlibrary.org or call the Greenpoint Library at 718.389.4394 and speak to Acacia Thompson, Environmental Justice Coordinator.
To give you the most thorough assistance, we ask that you give us 48 hours advance notice if you would like to access the physical versions of the reports.
For access to other Brooklyn archival documents stored at the Center for Brooklyn History (CBH), email your request to the cbhreference@bklynlibrary.org or call 718-222-4111. You may also browse the CBH digital collection.
Research Guides
- User Guide
- Finding Aid (Central Library's Brooklyn Collection)
- Finding Aid (Greenpoint Library and Environmental Education Center)
- Documents Spreadsheet
Project Sites
Navigate the Greenpoint Library's Document Repository with the help of the links below, which lead to remediation document links and downloads for the projects listed.
Investigation of Underground Accumulation of Hydrocarbons along Newtown Creek: 7/1979
Status Report for Community Meeting (February 23, 1999): 2/1999
Community Meeting Presentation (August 13, 2003): 8/2003
Investigation of the Off-Site Free-Product Plume: 5/1991
Consent Decree for State of New York against ExxonMobil: 5/1991
Vapor Intrusion Work Plan: 7/3/2005
Supplemental Recovery System Evaluation Report: 5/2011
Remedial Action Work Plan (RAWP), 460 Kingsland Avenue: 2/11/2019
Monthly Discharge Monitoring Reports for Former Mobil Terminal
Conceptual Work Plan for Corrective Action Activities: 2005
Conceptual Work Plan Addendum No. 1 and Project Schedule: 5/2005
Health and Safety Air Monitoring During Well Installation Activities: 7/2005
Sitewide Corrective Action Workplan: 2009
Response to Workplan Comments: 2/18/2010
Recovery System Startup Completion (Phase I): 10/2007
Recovery System Conceptual Design (Phase II): 4/2008
Recovery System Upgrades Design (Phase II): 6/2008
Recovery System Vapor Phase Design (Phase II): 7/2009
Supplemental Site Characterization: 11/19/2010
Soil and Soil Vapor Alternatives Analysis Report: 7/15/2011
Groundwater and PSH Alternatives Analysis Report: 8/12/2011
Site Characterization Report: 10/17/2006
Recovery System Evaluation Report (Phase I): 2/2008
Remedial Options Assessment: 7/2008
Interim Remedial Measure Construction Summary Report: 2/10/2009
Progress Reports for Former Paragon Oil Terminal
Newtown Creek/Greenpoint Oil Spill Study: 9/12/2007
Public Health Assessment: 2/3/2012
Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study Work Plan: 6/3/2011
Administrative Settlement Agreement: 7/7/2011
EPA Sampling Presentation: 4/1/20091
Remedial Investigation Report (This is a large file that requires downloading)
Interim Remedial Measure Work Plan : 03/26/2019
Phase II Environmental Site Assessment: January 2019
Brownfields Cleanup Program application: May 2019
Soil Contamination (Figure 3A): October 2019
Groundwater Contamination (Figure 3B): October 2019
Records Search Report: 5/27/2011
Remedial Investigation Report: 1/22/2016 (Revision of 4/1/2015 original)
Supplemental Remedial Investigation Work Plan: 9/22/2016
Supplemental materials for Former ACME Steel/Brass Foundry reports
Records Search Report: 5/27/2011
Remedial Investigation Report: 12/23/2015 (Revision of 7/2013 original)
Supplemental Remedial Investigation Work Plan: 9/22/2016
Supplemental materials for Former ACME Steel/Metal Works reports
Citizen Participation Plan: 4/2011
Executive Summary Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study Work Plan: 1/2011
Remedial Investigation: 12/2011
Remedial Investigation: 11/2012
Off-Site Remedial Investigation Report (Phase III): 9/2014
On-Site Remedial Investigation Report (Phase III): 3/2016
SVE/SP Pilot Study Report: 3/2016
SVE/SP Pilot Study Work Plan: 9/2015
Feasibility Study: 9/2018
Supplemental materials for Former Klink Cosmo Cleaners reports
Remedial Investigation Report: 7/30/2015
Remedial Investigation Work Plan: 11/2011
Product Testing Report: 2/23/2015
Test Pit Report: 5/28/2015
Supplemental Remedial Investigation Report: 10/2015
Feasibility Study Report: 1/2016
Feasibility Study Report: 4/2016
Supplemental materials for Former NuHart Plastics Manufacturing reports
Remedial Investigation (Phase I): 7/2011
Remedial Investigation (Phase II): 9/2012
Crown Property Groundwater Sampling Report: 4/2013
Off-Site Remedial Investigation Report (Phase III): 9/2014
On-Site Remedial Investigation Report (Phase III): 3/2015
Underground Storage Tank NYSDEC Spill No. 14-02556 Data Summary Report: 1/2015
Underground Storage Tank Closure Report for Spill Number 14-02556: 3/2016
Remedial Investigation Report: 9/2015
DNAPL Recovery Pilot Test Report: 11/2015
DNAPL Recovery Report: 2/2016
DNAPL Recovery Report: 2/2017
Supplemental materials for Former Spic and Span Cleaners reports
Brownfield Cleanup Program Application: 12/2014
Soil Vapor Intrusion Investigation Work Plan: 8/2006
Supplemental Investigation Work Plan: 4/2005 (Revision of 11/2004 original)
Subsurface Investigation and Remedial Action Work Plan: 8/2001
Remedial Action Work Plan: 9/2009
Remedial Action Work Plan: 3/2016
Remedial Action Work Plan: 9/2016
Supplemental Remedial Investigation Work Plan: 7/2002
Supplemental Remedial Investigation Work Plan (OU-2): 3/2013
Remedial Design (OU-1): 5/2013
Interim Remedial Measures Work Plan: 11/2006
Well Redevelopment Work Plan: 8/2010
SVE, AS, & DPE Pilot Test Work Plan: 4/2010
DPE and AS Pilot Test Work Plan: 2/2012
Supplemental materials for FYN Paint and Lacquer Co. Inc. reports
Site Characterization Data Summary Report (Phase I): 10/2007
Site Characterization Data Summary Report (Phase II): 4/2008
Site Characterization Data Summary Report (Phase III): 10/2008
Site Characterization Data Summary Report (Phase IV): 5/2009
Site Characterization Data Summary Report (Phase V): 10/2009
Site Characterization Data Summary Report (Phase VI): 4/2012
Site Characterization (Phase VII): 11/2013
Site Characterization (Phase VIII): 9/2015
Site Characterization (Phase IX): 12/2016
Soil Vapor Intrusion Investigation (Phase I): 1/2013
Soil Vapor Intrusion Investigation (Phase II): 3/2013
Soil Vapor Intrusion Investigation (Phase III): 3/2014
Soil Vapor Intrusion Investigation (Phase IV): 1/2015
Soil Vapor Intrusion Data Summary (February-March 2008): 6/2008
Soil Vapor Intrusion Data Summary (2009/2010 Heating Season): 7/2010
Soil Vapor Intrusion Data Summary (2010/2011 Heating Season): 7/2011
Soil Vapor Intrusion Data Summary (February 2014): 5/2014
Monitoring Well and Soil Vapor Implant Maintenance Report (2014): 4/2015
Monitoring Well and Soil Vapor Implant Maintenance Report (2015): 3/2016
Monitoring Well and Soil Vapor Implant Maintenance Report (2016): 4/2017
Groundwater Sampling Report (November 2009): 1/2010
Groundwater Sampling Report: 2/2017
Groundwater Split Sampling Report: 2/2010
Decommissioning and Sidewalk Replacement Effort Report: 2/2010
Brownfield Cleanup Program Application: 8/16/2016
Decision Document: 11/2016
Remedial Action Work Plan: 10/2015
Work Plan (Phase II): 2015
Supplemental Work Plan: 2/10/2016
Remedial Action Work Plan: 8/19/2016
Environmental Site Assessment Report (Phase I): 4/16/2013
Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I): 8/2013
Supplemental Remedial Investigation and Pilot Test Work Plan: 5/27/2016
Environmental Summary Report: 9/24/2015
Remedial Investigation Report: 11/2015
Supplemental Remedial Investigation and Soil Vapor Extraction Pilot Test Report: 7/8/2016
Field Sampling Plan: 05/2008
Health and Safety Plan: 02/2008
Quality Assurance Project Plan: 05/2008
Remedial Investigation Work Plan: 05/2008
Remedial Investigation Addendum- Additional Borings: 11/19/2008
Final Interim Remedial Measure Design Work Plan: 8/2011
Additional remediation documents can be found on the Williamsburg Former MGP website
Other Remediation Resources
New York City and State remediation
- New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Remediation Databases: Allows searching the DEC's databases for environmental site remediation data. Entries have details about each work site, but do not share any remediation documents.
- New York City Office of Environmental Remediation Voluntary Cleanup Program Repository: Searchable repository of remediation documents for projects participating in the VCP. Offers downloading of remediation documents.
- New York City Office of Environmental Remediation Environmental Project Information Center: Searchable repository of remediation documents for remediation projects working with the OER. Entries have an information overview for various aspects of the project and offer downloading of remediation documents.
National Grid remediation
- Former Nassau Gas Works MGP: Information on the Former Nassau Gas Works MGP, the remediation projects and opportunities for public participation
- Former Dangman Park MGP: Information on the Site, the SC and RI, and opportunities for public participation
- Citizens Former MGP: Information on the Citizens former MGP Site, the remediation projects and opportunities for public participation
- Fulton Municipal Former MGP: Information on the Fulton Municipal former MGP Site, the Remedial investigation of the site, and opportunities for public participation
- Metropolitan Former MGP: Information on the Metropolitan former MGP Site, the Remedial Investigation of the site, and opportunities for public participation
This digitization project was made possible with funding provided by the Office of the New York State Attorney General and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation through the Greenpoint Community Environmental Fund.