Blog posts by Cameron

US Open 2019: An Unauthorized Review


There’s no better way to celebrate the end of summer more than watching world class athletes whack green fuzzy balls back-and-forth on a cauldron-like afternoon in Flushing Meadows park while sipping a cold beverage--quick shout out here to the US Open signature drink the Honey Deuce.  If you’re not already a fan of US Open tennis, you are decidedly missing out… the pageantry and country club pretension of professional tennis mixed with well-lubricated New York sports fans, soap opera antics, rising stars beating the odds, and titans of the sport refusing to retire make the Flushing…

Bklyn Kids Presents: Brooklyn Robotics League


Do you love LEGOS, robotics, and teamwork? Then you will love the Brooklyn Robotics League! During this year's INTO ORBIT challenge,  kids and teens (ages 9-17) learned to use LEGO EV3 robotics while exploring STEM concepts that transport teams into space. Our robotics team core values are discovery, innovation, impact, inclusion, teamwork, and fun! Don't miss your chance to witness some upcoming robotics competitions at the library! North East Region Semi-Final Competition: January 26th at the Flatbush Branch from 10:00- 4:00 PM North West Region…

Library Lab: Slime!


Looking for good a time? It's always a great day for making slime! If you're not up on the latest slime craze, it's taking libraries and classrooms by storm. Making slime is a great way to introduce chemistry & other STEM concepts such as polymers and viscosity. Check out this video kids made at the Clarendon Branch Library for a great how-to guide!   Want more library lab programs? Check out our calendar of events to find great STEM activites near you!

Bklyn Kids Presents: Banned Books Week


Banned Books Week (Sept 23-29th) celebrates books that are often challenged or banned from public and school libraries. In case you missed out, here are some great displays made in honor of Banned Books Week 2018 by your local Brooklyn Public Library staff!

Banned Books Week Display from McKinley Park Library
Banned Books Week Display from Windsor Terrace Library
  Interested in checking out some banned or challenged books? Here's a list courtesy of the American Library Association of the most…

Summer Reading Highlight: Books for Grades 4-5


Looking for good summer reads for 4th and 5th grade? Look no further -- here is a list of tried and true, librarian-approved summer reads from our Summer Reading Booklist.  If you haven't already done so, stop by your local branch to pick up your Summer Reading Gameboard. Kids can win prizes by reading library books, coming to library events, and celebrating this year's music theme 'Books & Beats.' Without further ado, here are the books: FICTION Anne of Green Gables (graphic novel) written by Mariah Mardsen, illustrated by Brenna Thummler In this gorgeous graphic…

Summer Reading Highlight: Books for Babies


Looking for great books to share with your baby this summer? Look no further -- here are some engaging books from our Summer Reading Booklist that you and your young one will enjoy! If you haven't stopped by your local branch yet, go visit and pick up our Summer Reading gameboard. You can win prizes and a chance to win a free bookset by reading books with your young one, visiting library programs, and doing early literacy building activities this summer.    The Babies on the Bus by Karen Katz Ride along (and sing along!) with these adorable babies. Check the…

Read & Play: Bilingual Storytime


Hello!  | ¡Hola! | Salut! | ہیلو! |  你好 | Здравствуйте! | שלום! | こんにちは! You guessed it -- the Brooklyn Library offers multilingual storytimes! They are a great way to introduce your young child to new languages, or enforce languages already spoken at home. Beyond that, multilingualism in young children has shown to be positive for brain plasticity and executive function. Click here for a list of our multilingual storytimes! Our multilingual storytimes are generously supported by the City's First Readers, an initiative of the New York City Council. Interested in…

Library Lab: Raspberry Pi Cloud Lamp


The kids and teens at the Clarendon Branch have been busy building and programming a fantastic cloud lamp! This marvel of math and science was wired by the kids using a breadboard, and coded in Python by the teens using a Raspberry Pi.  Check out these wiz kids in action. . .   Check out these wiz kids in action. . . The cloud lamp goes through a series of animations depicting sunshine, rain, a thunderstorm, overcast skies, and finally a sunset. It was a bit of work programming all the different loops for our LED strip, but it all came together with persistence and…

Comic & Manga Fan? Let's test that...


  The Brooklyn Public Library has a great collection of new comics and manga for kids. But before we get into that, let’s see how much you already know. . .                The Brooklyn Public Library’s Ultimate Comic Trivia Quiz! Loading... Point Breakdown: 0-1 points: Total newb 2-3 points: Budding nerdist 3-4 points: Respectable comic connoisseur 5 points: Ultimate comic maven         Looking for new comics? Here are some our favorites. . .   Nightlights by Lorena…

BKLYN Kids Code!


Interested in getting with the latest trend and teaching your kids to code? We’ve got your back. The library already offers coding classes for kids. At my home branch, Clarendon, we offer arduino classes, HTML and CSS workshops, Raspberry Pi workshops, Scratch workshops, and python workshops too. Seeing a child’s face light up after their first line of code is rendered is simply priceless. I mean, look at these cute faces! Need more convincing that coding is important for kids? Check out this article from Rasmussen on the benefits of kids coding. So, without further ado, here are a few…