Books Unbanned

Recognizing Two Years of Books Unbanned

In April 2022, Brooklyn Public Library joined those fighting for the rights of teens nationwide to read what they like, discover themselves, and form their own opinions. Inspired by the American Library Association's Freedom to Read Statement, Books Unbanned is a response to an increasingly coordinated and effective effort to remove books from library shelves. 

The following libraries have joined Books Unbanned as crucial partners in defending and expanding the freedom to read.

The American Library Association (ALA) documented efforts to censor 4,240 unique book titles in schools and libraries in 2023, a 65% increase from 2022 and the highest number of attempted book bans since ALA began compiling data about censorship in libraries more than 20 years ago. ALA's data shows that censorship attempts are increasingly moving to public libraries. Most targeted books are for a teen audience and are by or about BIPOC or LGBTQIA+ persons.

Across the country, teens continue to face rising attempts at book bans, censorship, and political challenges in their local school and public libraries.

Here are just some of the ways young adults can get support from BPL:
teens laughing while writing on paper
Get Involved

BPL's Intellectual Freedom Teen Meetups are a virtual space where teens from across the country can connect with peers and discuss book challenges, censorship, and intellectual freedom.

Learn more

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Request a BookMatch

BookMatch Teen offers book recommendations for teens, by teens. Complete the form and a Teen BookMatcher will create a reading list just for you.

Get Matched

Redacted words on paper with words Books Unbanned still visible
Report a Challenge

If you hear of a challenge at your local library, support your right to free and open access by contacting the ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom.

Get Involved

image of BPL library card, blue with white BPL logo centered
Use Your Library

Look for frequently challenged books at your local library, or check out our selection of eBook & audiobook titles, many of which are set to "Always Available" for BPL cardholders - no waiting for a copy! 

Get Reading

a white book page blacked out except for the words Borrowed and Banned
Borrowed and Banned

BPL's podcast mini-series tells the story of America's ideological war with its bookshelves. Hear from students on the frontlines, librarians and teachers who risk their careers by speaking up, and writers whose books have become a political battleground. 

Listen now



Light purple blue background with dark blue text that reads Intellectual Freedom Teen Meetup! image of a megaphone in lower corner.
Intellectual Freedom Teen Meetup:…

Tue, Mar 18 6:00pm

A graphic or image about book banning.
Teen Time: Read Banned Books Club

Wed, Mar 26 4:00pm
Brooklyn Heights Library

Story time
Freedom to Read Storytime

Sat, Apr 5 3:00pm
Jamaica Bay, Meeting Room

group of people
Adulting is Hard: Graphic Novel Book…

Sat, Apr 5 4:00pm
Library for Arts and Culture

freedom to read storytime
Toddler Time - Freedom to Read

Mon, Apr 7 11:00am
Kings Highway, Children's Meeting Room

Background of icons of books with a word bubble in the center saying [BLEEP] A play about censorship
[BLEEP]: A Play About Cen$*r$h!p

Mon, Apr 7 4:30pm
Central Library, Dweck Center

freedom to read storytime
Freedom to Read Storytime

Tue, Apr 8 4:00pm
Dekalb, Auditorium

library week
DIY for Teens: Tote-ally Free to Read!

Tue, Apr 8 4:00pm
Jamaica Bay, Meeting Room

read banned books
Teen Time: Freedom to Read Comic Books

Wed, Apr 9 4:00pm
McKinley Park, Meeting Room

Kids Create: Freedom to Read!

Thu, Apr 10 3:30pm
Dekalb, Auditorium

Write Your Own Graphic Novel -- A…

Thu, Apr 10 3:30pm
Kings Highway, Children's Meeting Room

Light purple blue background with dark blue text that reads Intellectual Freedom Teen Meetup! image of a megaphone in lower corner.
Intellectual Freedom Teen Meetup

Tue, Apr 15 6:00pm

Freedom To Read Storytime!

Thu, Apr 17 4:00pm
Brownsville Library

Apply for a Teen eCard

We invite individuals ages 13-21 to apply for a free BPL eCard, providing access to our full eBook/audiobook collection as well as our learning databases. To apply, email

BPL’s eCard is always free to teenagers in New York State. Apply here.


In Their Own Words: Youth Voices on Books Unbanned

"In Their Own Words: Youth Voices on Books Unbanned", published in April 2024, details the impact of censorship on young people across the United States, using the voices of teens and young readers. Drawing upon thousands of stories shared by Books Unbanned cardholders, the report documents the impacts of censorship and highlights the joy and escape found in the freedom to read.


Books Unbanned Media Kit

Want to spread the word in your community about Books Unbanned? Download our media kit, which includes a flier, printable sticker sheet, the official Books Unbanned artwork, Brooklyn Public Library's logo and a QR code.

Download the full kit, here.


Educate Yourself!


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Follow Us

Books Unbanned is generously supported by The Destina Foundation, Ford Foundation, Harold and Colene Brown Family Foundation, Shawn Carter Enterprises, Long Ridge Foundation, Elizabeth Foundation, Alan and Linda Kahn Foundation, Donald A. Pels Charitable Trust, Kerry Washington, Diane and Joseph Steinberg, Andrea Zaldivar and Michael Festa, Stacee Halsenbalg, Michael and Deborah Ratner Salzberg Family Foundation, Reparations Commission of the Episcopal Diocese of New York, and many generous individuals.